In Which I Finally Talk of Other Things

Oct 28, 2010 22:24

So, hey, let's have some non-keratoconus things on this here journal, eh?

But of course, before we do, the newest donation to the auctions for my eye surgery costs is a handmade Wizard of Oz plush monkey, and it sounds adorable. So go check it (and the other stuff) out!!

And also continued GIANT THANKS to everyone donating, bidding, or sending funds, and big, warm, special thanks to both doctoraicha and cleolinda for their phenomenal help and running of the auction! *hugs*

And OMG, the Made of Fail podcast auction pack went for FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS YOU GUYS. DUDE. Thank you, Kevin, Dayna, and winner of the auction!! We look forward to hearing from you on the January episode!


Now then. Let's begin our other subjects with:

HEY YOU GUYS I WROTE ANOTHER THING. I.e. Going Postal: Americans Need More Terry Pratchett, Please! on the ReelzChannel movie news site. Yay!

Please go read and comment and tweet and share and stuff so they'll let me write more about Pratchett!! :D (And also because I get a real kick out of seeing something I wrote come up first on the Google news alerts for "Pratchett," hee! J/k.)

And speaking of movie news, via cleolinda: 'Deadpool' Update: Adam Berg Closing In On Director's Chair?

Hmmm. I have never heard of Adam Berg before, but if Ryan and others see him as a favorite, it could be a good choice. Also the commercial he made sounds coooool. I never saw it. Anyone here see it?

And of course I continue to hope Ryan Reynolds will play Deadpool. (!!!!!)

Speaking of Cleolinda, if you HAVEN'T been reading her Secret Life of Dolls, you really should. It's come back from its hiatus with all kinds of epic story-ness, and it is AWESOME.

Also from Cleolinda, this very well-written/thought out post about the insensitive Marie Claire blogger who declared she is "grossed out" by watching fat people do anything, along with a whole bunch of other really insensitive, moronic stuff. (Oh, and the blogger also failed to point out that she herself had been anorexic, which could have something to do with her disgust of people who aren't skeletal. Gah. Anyway, go read Cleo's thoughts on this, as they are good.

In more fun news, I've been reading funny articles again, and now feel the urge to share them with you. First, there is Allie Brosh's new Hyperbole and a Half piece:

The God of Cake, which is (shock! amazement!) hilarious. I love this woman. And her need for cake.

(Also I love the This is Why I'll Never Be An Adult piece, which I was reminded of recently after this Twitter conversation:

@foresthouse What I Did Today: Organized my everything. Seriously: bookshelves, kitchen, clothing. YOU CANNOT KEEP ME DOWN, EYE SURGERY!! Tired now.

@particle_person @foresthouse You organized ALL THE THINGS!

(Yes, but I didn't CLEAN ALL THE THINGS! Yet, anyway. Hee.))

And then, of course, I've been reading Cracked again (I CAN'T STAY AWAAAYYY). They've got a number of fun Halloween articles going on, but my favorites are:

The 6 Creepiest Places on Earth (Part I and Part II (so, technically, 12 places, heh.)

and, even though it's from four years ago, Insane Japanese Halloween Costumes! The monkey costume alone killed me. Oh dear.

Speaking of Halloween, though, I AM GOING TO A HALLOWEEN PARTY THIS WEEKEND!!! True, I can only see people moderately clearly if I *really* squint, but hey - it'll just be like I drank a lot before arriving, right?! This is the first time in several years that I'm dressing up for Halloween; and as you all might be aware, I generally have a distaste for the marketing of costumes as "sexy" - so it is slightly ironic that, for some reason (mostly because I already owned all the pieces to make the outfit), I decided I really want to go as Black Canary this year. Don't judge, ok? It's just because she's COOOOL (and I owned all the things!). I think finding the black gloves and fishnets in my parents' basement a few weeks ago was the impetus for this decision. So I am going to TRY REALLY HARD NOT TO BE SELF-CONSCIOUS as I go to a party in, essentially, a leotard and a leather jacket. OMG. There may be pictures. If I don't decide it was all a huge mistake and die of mortification first. Heh.

Speaking of costumes and comics, though, This commentary on Wonder Woman's costume changes made me laugh (as does pretty much anything Chris Sims is involved in).

And speaking of Wonder Woman, my friend John K. Snyder III did a cool retro piece for the recent Wonder Woman V Portland Art Auction (his piece is 18 rows down on the left), which you can see in detail here. (And I totally meant to post this before, but things got in the way. :( I...think? the bidding is closed now? It might not be? It may have ended on the 24th. Anyway, the piece is very cool! (As is the original Sandman sketch John donated for the eyes auction. That auction closes on the 30th, FYI.)

Also of note in the recent Portland auction, Wonder Woman My Little Pony. Because: hee!

Aaaaand, I think that's all for tonight, folks! *yawn* Bedtime!


comics, reelzchannel, humor, made of fail, halloween, alliancesjr, dc comics, queenanthai, keratoconus, particle_person, holidays, pumpkins, john snyder, pallas cats, movies, charities, art, terry pratchett, animals, cleolinda, deadpool

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