X-Men Origins: Wolverine; also: Deadpool

May 01, 2009 20:49

I saw Wolverine with vwlphb today. Just a few random thoughts on it:

I enjoyed it for the most part (I mean, Hugh Jackman: naked = who can complain?; and also Liev Schrieber was a v. good Sabretooth; and there were lots of explosions and fights and Grand Effects; and then of course there's Act I Wade to consider) but it was a bit of a mess altogether. The pacing was weird, the introduction of Gambit was awkward, the ensemble cast was hectic, the plot was jumbled, and then there was the fiasco of Act II Deadpool. HAAAATE.

I think the problem is Wolverine is a Very Old Guy, and they tried to both fit his entire story before X-Men I into this movie, AND introduce all these side characters who, you know, might even get spinoffs, too! I mean, some of them were valid - but Wade, for instance, isn't even in the first Weapon X group in the comics. So...yeah.

Re: Wade/Deadpool (my main concern, of course, *g*) All the scenes with Wade pre-experimentation were spot-on and TOTALLY AWESOME. I mean, seriously. Ryan Reynolds can be my Wade Wilson anyday. BUT. BUT.

Post-experimentation Deadpool was just a complete fiasco of "WHYYYYYY?" I mean, WHY did they have to use Wade for Weapon XI? There's just no reason for it, and on top of that it's ridiculous. His arm-blades are, like, too long for him to logically bend his arms when they're retracted, the Cyclops-eyes are stupid...the whole thing is just...GAH. Yes, the fight scene where he's using all the powers is cool, and I *will* say I liked the Wraith ability they gave him because it's at least CLOSE to canon - he has a teleport belt, so he could actually fight like that in the comics if he was really, really smooth at using it - but all the rest, aside from the canon healing factor, is dumb and OOC. And THE MOUTH. WHAT. HE'S THE MERC WITH A MOUTH. DON'T SEW UP HIS MOUTH. GAAAAAAH. See also: the completely awkward shoehorning in of why he's called Deadpool, which is also, FYI, not canon, along with being 100% less awesome than the actual, canon origin of his name.

OK, I could go on for hours, but I won't. All I'll say is: in my mind, for Deadpool the movie ends after that scene in the field in Nigeria or wherever. There is no "Wade is dead, no he's being experimented on, look, we've got the perfect soldier now, oops, Wolverine cut off his head!" in my version. THANKYOUVERYMUCH.

And now I will say I very much enjoyed Wraith and also Agent Zero in their tiny but pretty cool parts. Gambit was disappointing as a character (too bland) although his fighting style was v. cool. The teen!pair of Emma and Scott made me chuckle (tweak the noses of the Scott/Jean fans, why don't you!) but was odd, and the way Xavier showed up to get Scott et. al was just WEIRD.

Oh, and also? I didn't get the supposed Deadpool ending. I got the Wolverine drinking in a bar ending. Bah.

So, y'know, there are some of my general thoughts. And in conclusion, Kevin Kline I'll say that I really do hope there is a Deadpool movie, and I really hope Ryan Reynolds plays Deadpool, and I really hope that they retcon pretty much this whole movie as it relates to the character. *sigh*

In other Wolverine/Deadpool/movie things, here is a great clip of Ryan Reynolds on Ellen Degeneres yesterday, demonstrating a cool katana trick and donating his Wade Wilson movie dogtags to Ellen's charity eBay auction. Man, I would SO LOVE to have those tags. If they weren't $1,525 and climbing.

P.S. Ten Jobs Not Right for Wolverine

Hee! Thanks to Kelly for the link.

P.P.S. Amen to Ryan Reynolds's comments about a possible Deadpool spinoff. Seriously, I really hope someone makes that kind of Deadpool movie and Reynolds stars. Because: WHOA AWESOMENESS.

wolverine, shopping, x-men, kelly s, ryan reynolds, movies, video clip, youtube, deadpool

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