So exhausted

Apr 25, 2011 23:10

I love my sweetheart davidoflondon so very, very, very much. He is just incredible and amazing and I am so happy.

Yesterday and today we started working on the house, making it into our home. Nesting. Adding straw and mud and stray cat fur. You know, the usual.

My stuff arrived nearly a week ago (Tuesday, April 19) and I've been staring at the boxes since then. 33 boxes plus my bass guitar. You know what I should've done? Put the "fragile" stickers on the books that way the movers would've kicked the shit out of those boxes instead of the ones with porcelain otter figurines and the like. *eyeroll* It really doesn't matter, I know. They really don't give a crap about my stuff. One box was pretty badly mangled but it only had my sewing machine in it with TONS of packing peanuts so ... frankly if any box would've fared best from that, it would've been that one. Still, we'll see how my machine works.

So I've been unpacking and finding nooks to put my stuff in so we can use the boxes to pack away more stuff. Oh yes. Just when you think you have all the fun you can tolerate... I get to simutaneously unpack my stuff AND then repack books!

Honestly though... I'm touched by this repacking. My beloved has been thinking about how he can make room for my stuff in this house and that entails having to pack up lots of his books and schlep them up into the loft. I'm very grateful by this act, even though he asked "What else did you think was going to happen?" But it really means a lot to me. Really.

I love seeing some of my stuff out and about now. We put my Titanic ship above one of the fireplace mantles. It looks lovely. We're figuring out where my millions of stuffed animals, mostly otters and ferrets, will go. We know where my lovely stone/porcelain/etc. collection of animals will go, in the music room. There were shelves of books on two sides of the room and now there is quite a lot of space for my stuff.

Anyways. This is all boring details really and I'm not explaining it very well to begin with. But suffice to say... I'm genuinely happy and touched by all this work David has done for me. How he wants this to be my home as well, OUR home.

I am so sore from all this work. We packed away 11 three foot cubic boxes of books into the loft, which is scary all by itself. I had to grit my teeth to handle being up there to do all this work and coming up and down the ladder. Not fun. My sweetheart worked his gorgeous ass off in the two major book rooms, rearranging and sending the books up to me in a plastic bag. We are both knackered.

Man, there I go again. These details are not that interesting! But as I said, it means everything to me. I love my darling David. He is the best. THE BEST. I love him more than words can ever hope to express. I just want to be with him forever and ever.

We're also working on turning one of the bedrooms into a full-on ferret room. Where the ferrets can be out and about all day long, which will be so great for them.

But I'm so tired now. And sore. So I'll end now. I hope to catch up soon, it's really more than a full time job trying to get settled. I do think about y'all often, really. I miss you. Y'all take care.
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