
Feb 19, 2011 19:27


So I am moving to London on March 12 to be with the love of my life, davidoflondon. I am so super excited but there is a lot of accomplish. I have to admit... yesterday when I actually received my passport with my visa I was a little grumpy because I am SO DAMN SICK and I was looking at a 9 hour shift of driving ahead of me. So I wasn't able to be as thrilled as I wanted to be. My poor darling David tried to help me through that and he did manage to make me focus on the good, which is in a few short weeks I will be HOME. With my love.

I chickened out of telling my parents about how soon it will be so I sent an email. I know, not the best, but it was the way I wanted to go about this. I came home at 23:45 to a note on my bed from my dad saying that we have to have a family meeting the next morning so we can do all the shit we have to do around here between now and then.

That meeting was this morning and my parents were both upset about how quickly this move was happening. I didn't fully explain why... which is since David and I purchased tickets for me to visit him on March 12 we decided that should just be when I move as well. Technically my visa doesn't begin until June 1, 2011. So I'm going to just go in March for a "visit". I'm allowed to be in the UK for 6 months as just a visitor. Then on May 30th, David and I will fly to another country like France or Norway or something and I'll re-enter the UK on my visa after June 1st. Then I have to live there for a certain amount of time before we can get married and therefore that's why I'll be a July bride!

Anyways. So... that's why I'm moving on March 12.

My parents and I made a list of stuff to do around here and then we did some of that today. I went out to return some boxes to a few stores and buy more packing tape and other boxes (needed different sizes) and this took awhile. By the time I got back my parents had already switched some furniture around, which was actually a nice surprise since I was lamenting on the phone to David about how much of a pain all this work will be. Although the computer desk currently in the kitchen now has to be moved out to the garage, which will have to go up some stairs and down some stairs... and the damn thing is made of particle board so it's heavy, yo. We're going to move that beast tomorrow.

FERRETS: So it turns out my ferrets don't need a blood test! David called DEFRA and they said they don't require blood tests on ferrets because they are impossible to get blood from. This is true, although you can put them under a light anesthetic to do it. So I guess we're done with the ferrets! I just have to have super good paperwork to document their microchipping and rabies vaccination they just received. David and I will come back for a visit in August and that's when we'll take them back to the UK with us. Meanwhile my mom will watch over them until then. We might end up taking the birds with us too... my dad may decide he can't stand their noise... we'll see. Bird quarantine is much easier... no vaccinations or rabies threats... just a vet to check up on them. Anyways.

My mom pulled her truck out of the garage so now I have a staging area for all this junk for the garage sale/donation. Thank goodness.

So I got home from my errands and started going through some papers and stuff. I managed to amass a pile of stuff to be thrown out. Always feels good to have that done. Although I have to say despite having taken a few loads to the donation centres and throwing out a lot of stuff... I have yet to really SEE the fruits of all this labour. Frustrating! But it'll happen soon.

I started hauling up a lot of stuff out of the basement to the garage. I made a lot of trips and really... I was very low on energy due to this ROTTEN COLD I have but I pressed on. I can't afford to be sick and I'm so frustrated with being sick. I've pretty much lost my voice... and last night at work I kept coughing and made my throat very, very sore by doing that. It was awful.

But I did put a lot of stuff out in the garage... plus one of my mom's friends came over to buy some of my scrapbooking stuff from me. So that got some stuff out of here and some money in my pocket.

That's been my very active day so far although I'm sure I'm not making much sense right now... I'm just resting now and then I'm going to tackle my bathroom. I have some shelving units in there that my mom wants and so I'm going to clean them out tonight and we'll move them tomorrow.


But now that I'm feeling a tiny bit better from being so ill... I am starting to become SO EXCITED about moving!!!! I cannot wait to be with my David, my beloved.
Oh darling David, I love you so much. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
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