The day was glorious: I didn't need to work. I spent a wonderful afternoon at a spa with a friend, relaxing and feeling wonderful.
And then I came home and broke my car's left side mirror parking--not the mirror itself, but the plastic casing surrounding it :(
On the one side, I'm pretty angry at myself for not noticing it was gonna happen on time. On the other hand, I still feel so relaxed and happy that it's hard to hold on to the anger. Such a weird feeling. Usually, I'd be spitting fire and cursing myself nonstop. Instead, I'm feeling all zen about it, and searching for the silver lightning.
I did manage to put it back together thanks to a generous use of Scotch tape (I didn't have superglue), and it doesn't look too bad, if I say so myself. You have to know it's broken, or really look at it to notice the scotch. So, I guess I will leave it like that for as long as it lasts instead of having it replaced.
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