Feels strange.

May 21, 2009 22:06

Having the control to not to reach out to talk to someone that it feels natural to want to talk to is one of the most difficult things I have ever done. If not the most difficult.

I thought that when I talked to him I got everything out that I needed to, but as more time passes more things pop into my head that I feel the need to share with him, partly just so I know that at least he knows what is going on in my head, but mostly with the hopes of getting a glance into what he is thinking about those things.

But I will try as hard as I can to resist the urge to call or send him a message. If he needs space I want to give him that space. Hopefully ranting here isn't counted as a breach of that agreement.

Here's to hoping that the silence isn't too long.

((On a side note, I am kind of glad that I was convinced to dig up my old live journal account. I normally am not one for writing, but when there is no one to send it to, and you just need to get something out, this does help.))
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