Oct 15, 2011 19:39
Seriously long day.
Started on Thursday. I'm not a house keeper. I live in a house and that is as far as domestication as I am owning. I do enjoy doing domestic chores like canning, quilting, cheese making. The usual heavy time and energy investment chores that take months to come to fruition. If something is easy it isn't worth the effort.
My grandmother kept a sparse home. Enough to be happy but not enough to lose things. That was her secret. She didn't care for cleaning and was more than happy to drop her standards for a more engaging adventure. This is not to blame anyone for my own actions but I do know where my value system started. People can visit our home any time that they want provided that they are coming to visit with us. If they are coming to visit the house an appt with lead time will be required.
So back to the story. Sukkot is the holiday we do for our Havorah. The service and meal are done outside in this temporary shelter. To get to the shelter you must pass through the house. So I cleaned. This took many hours and moving things to where they actually belong not where I last set them down. This said I have many friends who will attest. I have too much fabric. This is what takes up the most time, knocking down 2 sewing machines and all the projects. I'm now considering tossing the furniture out of the front room and turning that into the full time studio. Using the upstairs bedrooms cuts me away from the life of the house. I need to be downstairs. Well that is yet another future project.
To sum it up, I cleaned for days, the house looked good. I built the remainder of the Sukkah using quilts as the walls. Getting up and down, pinning, fixing the entire frame as it came down. Falling off a step and landing on the cement on my hip. Swore a multicolored streak. Washed all the patio chairs for company, scrubbed off the folding tables. Got a roll of bamboo to use as a ceiling. This of course came crashing down soon after Bill came home. Cooked from scratch Mushroom Moussaka and Challah. Bill got home with 45 minutes to spare and set out the books and helped me save the Sukkah from falling again. Locked the dog pack up after they escaped once. It was a great service and meal and friends hung around afterward. A new to us couple who have joined the Havorah, I really like and hope to see more of them. Went to sleep after the Dexter DVD failed.
Woke up this morning as a slacker at 7am. Had to walk the dogs because I needed to get fecal samples for their 2:30 vet appt in Temecula. No one was pooping, recruited Bill to take them for a walk. No one was pooping. Sat in the back yard watching. Cody pooped. I tasked Bill to collect one more sample as I had to run off to a class at Fullerton Arboretum, "Eat Your Yard" 9am - 10am. Nice over view class taught by a biologist. The farm program there is very new and not well developed but high marks for trying.
"People are doers, or planners. I'm a doer and will make some mistakes and learn along the journey.
Planners won't make those mistakes but they won't get started planting for 8 months"
We went over killing off lawn and starting up gardens in the front yard. Then we toured the garden on site. Discussed how to keep rotation so that there aren't too frequent bare spots. All in all a very good day.
Next I rushed home to pick up dogs and the fecal samples. Bill said he left the sample outside on the patio table. It wasn't there, I searched the yard, how could poop just blow away in a Ziploc in the wind? Bill is now in the shower, I didn't know this and turned on the hose to water the garden. Bill says he screamed. I didn't hear this because I need hearing aids and won't be getting them because I don't wanna. It is better to be heard and have a solid reason why you didn't hear others. So I then go inside, upstairs and ask him where he picked up the poop as perhaps I can get fresh poop and be on my way. He can't tell me, he will have to show me, after he tends to himself and his scorched skeleton. I repeat marching the yard EVERYWHERE. There is NO SAMPLE. He never collected a sample. He is an idiot... Rant, mutter, rant. He finally makes it downstairs I catch him puttering by the front door. YOU LIE you didn't collect any POOP! Because coming off as a loonie hormonal nutcase makes the day oh so much better. He goes out looking and NO POOP. He shows me where he collected but that can't be right as it is cement, not fresh poop. We chicken dance muttering and speaking about a world where he did NOT collect the poop. He then checks the breezeway and from another universe makes a sample of poop appear! I apologize for calling him an idiot. But he won't hear me, nope he won't even kiss me goodbye! FINE. The dogs and I head out to the truck muttering how he will regret this being the last memory of us. He could have kissed me but no. FINE. (Just in case you are new to reading this LJ, I'm a very serious ridiculous sarcastic being and the underlying sentiment is that we were laughing at me under all this drama.) The drive to Temecula is an hour. My vet is someone I went to school with and I followed him from La Mirada to here. I'm quite faithful to good people. Traffic in Temecula is vile, I'm 15 minutes early for the appt. The staff is very professional. The dogs got thorough exams, Rabies shots for everyone. Worming meds for everyone. Allergy pills and antibiotics for Corvey. Antibiotics, ear medication and Lotrimin for Cody. Wrote a large check and was on the 15 back home by 5pm. The dogs are not appreciative. I'm tired.