Jun 20, 2011 09:04
Our friends let us know that their local water is not safe to drink. ummm... They get frequent notices to boil their water before using. Giardia and other things. WTF
I love to drink water, clean tap water is one of my basic ideological beliefs in modern civilization. I actually do read our local water districts fliers about what is in our water. I grow my veggies using this water. I have been researching what chemicals can be found in rain water collected from off our asphalt shingle roof.
I noticed that in all of our driving around the area I didn't see any backyard veggie gardens. Yes I'm an unrepentant carnivore who has a knee jerk reaction to ANYONE with land who don't grow at least SOME of their own food. This area is GREEN and beautiful. How terribly sad that people can't/don't grow their own. Plenty of people grow vegetables in pots on balconies dream of a plot of land. I can understand the choice to not risk further introduction of harmful materials. This region has active steel mills spewing particulate into the air, these things also are most likely not good for the garden and therefore the end consumer.
rant minor