NOTE: I had posted this in the LJ community Gardening a couple weeks ago.
I have copied and posted to my LJ because Taltos thinks I'm bogarting the
goods LOL. Seriously I'm making 3 Earthtainers...
Last year I took the idea of using cat litter plastic buckets for growing
tomatoes. I wasn't as successful as I had hoped. I plant about 40 plants in
raised beds and had about 10 in the buckets. After speaking with several
professional tomato growers I've come to understand you need a much wider container
as well as more soil. This year I'm started some of my own seeds from last
years crop as well as expecting to be buying a wide variety from the local shows here in Southern
California._ ( I also would like to try to get
to the
_Heirloom Tomato Grower
in Lomita_ ( as well but they are
charging $5 a plant.. They don't announce their sale dates until March 15th
though and I just like to go and SEE. I also like the site because she uses
horse manure for fertilizer.
I still like the idea of container gardening and found
_DIY Earthtainers_
(") from this site. There are 3 long videos going
step by step as well as a PDF to print as well. Yes there is the commercial
Earth Box available at 2 x the price of the DIY.
California is in a drought and water conservation is really important.
Research more about these containers for growing on There is one by a
professional grower doing a testimonial for Earth Boxes that is pretty
interesting for organic and good environmental choices.
Also this year I'm going to once again get my Nerd/Geek on even more and
weigh the results from each plant to see just how productive the variety and
other conditions. Saying this I hope that I'm insuring a HUGE crop that will
mock my efforts.