Oct 08, 2008 00:16
i HATE livejournal communities.
every freaking time i post something to ANY of them that i'm a member of, i get RUDE comments, disguised by the mask of "honest opinion." i hate it! why does everyone think that just because they say "not trying to offend, just being honest" i'm supposed to accept what they've said? it's just rude and i can't believe it happens every. effing. time.
don't people have better things to do with their time than nit-pick the work of others, especially without posting their own for criticism?
it's interesting how bitchy people can allow themselves to be when they're hiding behind an account name and don't ever have to face anyone face-to-face. 90% of the people who have lj's seem to have pent up bitchiness that they need to get out. cowards for real.