Jun 13, 2008 01:26
Is DC Pride really on father's day weekend? Haven't we all shamed our parents enough without hijacking their holiday? I'm pretty sure everyone who markets to the Pride demographic is mortally at odds with the father's day advertisers... the television is abuzz with gadgets and grills and oh so many tools, but no adverts for Mika albums or Project Runway DVDs. Actually, having dueling visions of masculinity in some sort of large, concert-lit venue could be a pretty great father's day activity. Baby daddies versus bull daggers! Suburban dads versus leather daddies! Bring it!
I've personally never done the Pride thing, mostly because that's a word I associate with "white," or six other deadly sins, but I sort of am in the mood to put on my best rainbow suspenders and catcall in the direction of some drag queens. If you plan on being around Dupont on Saturday, we should talk.
In other news, I am home, David is in love, and plaid is back in fashion (at least for capri pants). All a little bit questionable with an eye towards the long term, but ultimately good things.