Aug 19, 2005 23:02

I LIVE! Today was jam packed. I believe the flavour was blackberry. So, start the day off: baking. I made muffins. I was PROUD, having never made muffins by myself before. We had 2 eggs, but the recipie called for 2! It was almost a close one there. I mixed in the ingredients, asked Mum if it looked ok, she said yes. Put it in the oven. Mum suggested making peanut butter cookies and I decided I might as well. the recipie said I needed 1 egg. I go to the fridge and see two eggs there. I look at Mum. Mum looks at me. She says, with horror, "We forgot to put the eggs in!!" and so the muffins were NOT muffins, in any sense at all. I was crushed. So terribly crushed. To ease some of the pain, I continued with the peanut butter cookies. As I was taking one of the cookie sheets out of the overn, I examined it. It seemed a little pale, so I was going to put it back in the oven for a minute or so. I turned to put it in the oven and WHAM I was burned! OW OW! I yelled reaaaaallly loud and slammed that scaulding thing back into the pit from which it came (ie the oven). I know have a nasty burn mark. Ow. On my elbowish. Right near the bendy part. Ow. I ran it under cold water ASAP. that felt better. I expected it to hurt more right after. A minute or so after I ran it under water, I was rather proud of myself for surviving that. Then, my arm started to BURN! More cold water and I was fine for a bit. Finished the cookies (hoo-rah) and then rubbed Aloe vera lotion of awesometude on it a few times- excellent.

After that tramatic incident, I went over to Kyle's (yay!)and got to meet his parents (who rock, by the way) and see his GIANT Bionicle collection (Finally, someone my age who appreciates them!) And I saw his frog, Trevor and his salamander, whom I called the Flat Headed Hidey Thing. We walked to a nearby park and talked some more. We headed home for supper at Kyle's house. Ate supper, it was really good. For dessert, we walked to DQ. That was cool, but Mum was picking me up at 7:30, so we hurried home and arrived there at 7:25. Called Mum to see if Kyle could come over, but she said no. Said they had just ripped the carpet off the stairs,(our basement flooded a month or so ago and we had to rip up all the carpet- we are now remodelling our basement) and teh new carpet would be in around Monday/Tuesday and he coulf come over then.

I would tell you more, but I am tired. Shall type more on the morrow, after I cater for Girl Guides! w00t.
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