Your icon must be TEXTLESS. This ban on text includes (but is not limited to) tiny text, text brushes, text in textures or patterns, or anything else that has text. And yes, we'll be checking. ;)
You must choose your own image for this theme; please choose an image of your liking from one of the following series:
Cold Case
Cold Squad
Criminal Minds
Crossing Jordan
CSI: Miami
Diagnosis Murder
Law & Order
Law & Order: CI
Law & Order: SVU
The Closer
In your submission comment, please let us know which series your image is from!
Please note;
• You may only submit an icon for Case #06 if you survived Case #05.
• You may submit one (1) icon. Please be sure your icon contains all necessary details for the challenge.
• Your icon must conform to LiveJournal standards; 100x100 and 40 kb or less.
• Do not promote your icon, and do not post, display, or otherwise use your icon anywhere on the Internet until after that particular challenge is over and the results have been posted, or you will be disqualified from the round. This includes telling your friends about your icon.
• You cannot use a bye (skip) for this challenge. If you do not submit your icon by the deadline, you will be disqualified from the round.
• To submit, reply normally to this screened post with the image and URL of your icon, as well as the name of the series your image is from. If for any reason you need to resubmit, please delete your prior submission comment before posting a new one. You may resubmit as many times as you'd like until the deadline.
• The deadline for this challenge is Sunday September 23rd at 8:00 PM EDT (-5:00 BST). If I get everyone's submissions before the deadline, I will post voting early.
Good luck!