Title: Baby Steps
Fandom: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Pairing: Sarah/Cameron
Disclaimer: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is not mine. Fox owns it, unfortunately.
Summary: Prequel to
forensic-scient.livejournal.com/294.htmlAuthors Note: It’s completely un-betaed. Any and all comments are welcome except for downright negative. Don’t mind if you give me some pointers though.
Sighing at the shout, the cyborg stood up from her desk where she was doing Calculus homework. John said to make it look like she didn’t know what she was doing. Confused as to why, it was now taking three times as long as it should have. Moving stiffly to the top of the stairs, she stared down at Sarah.
“Yes?” She had no inflection in her voice.
Sarah stared up at the brunette, Mmmm, running through her mind. Shaking her head she said, “Derek got a lead. We need to go.” She turned on her heel and headed into the kitchen of their recently acquired two story house. Sarah heard Cameron’s heavy steps coming down the stairs. She glanced at Derek who was pointedly not looking at the kitchen door as Cameron came through. She could never understand his abject dislike of the terminator, well that was a lie, she could. She just wished he could leave it here when they were about to head out. She should know better though, wishing never got you anything. Acting did.
Cameron walked in and instantly read the scene. Apparently it was a simple recon mission. There weren’t any major guns to be found in sight.
“Where is this lead?” Cameron asked in clipped tones. She never trusted Derek. His anger sometimes clouded his judgement.
“Val Corp.” Derek ground out. It had been a bad day and he wasn’t up to dealing with the terminator.
Cameron looked to Sarah and Sarah nodded in confirmation. Cameron dipped her head mechanically, “Very well.”
She walked to the weapon laden table and took two Glocks and slipped them into the waistbands of her baggy black jeans that she had slipped on prior to coming down the stairs. Cameron grabbed a small knife and slipped it into her black work boots and looked at the two humans. Raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow she inquired, “Ready?” And without waiting for an answer she turned and walked out the door.
Sarah blew out a puff of air and motioned Derek to get a move on, yelling to John that they would be back in a couple of hours.