Fic: T.E.S.S.A.

Jul 12, 2010 18:23

Title: T.E.S.S.A: The Toxin
Author: Dru and friends.
Rating: Right now PG
Reviews: Please!

T.E.S.S.A: The Toxin
Shadow and I quickly ascended to where CJ stood. “We have to go.” Although, it was painfully obvious with alarms blaring in the background. CJ nodded and started grabbing the equipment and tossing it down the building to Shadow who had gone over the side of the building to load the van. That’s one of the things I love ‘bout CJ. No questions asked when on a mission. Though, when not, that’s another story.
As they packed the van, I took a look over the side of the hole in the ceiling, “Meet you at headquarters Ace. Don’t let yourself be followed!” All I got was a grunt in reply. Shaking my head I assured myself that the genius will get home undetected if not a little bruised and scratched. Taking a running start I threw myself off the one story building onto the top of the van. Tapping the top to tell them I was ready, the vehicle started to move as I slipped in. We didn’t look back.

My name’s Skye. I’m 16 and I work for a top secret organization. We call ourselves T.E.S.S.A or Team for Extra Special Services and Assignments. This team is my family. Let me introduce them. We have Shadow, or Calliope but noone calls her that except me. And it’s only when I’m angry. She’s Callie in public, she’s like my sister. We’ve been on more missions together than we can count on both of our hands and toes. We’re close and always will be.
Then we have CJ. Just CJ. We met her in grade school. We weren’t T.E.S.S.A when we met her. She was in drama. She was good. I guess. I took a year of it and we became friends. I introduced her to Callie (at that point we were already into the whole spy and espionage business). Eventually, she just started coming with us on jobs. It wasn’t planned or anything. She would just show up as we were about to leave, help us pack, and drove while I was on navigation duty. We didn’t argue because, truthfully, we needed the help.
And last and, in no way, least, is Layna or, as we have affectionately dubbed her, Ace Bandage. Ace because, hello, she’s a genius. Bandage, well, let’s just say she can’t walk across a flat surface without finding something to trip on. But you really don’t want to fight her. Not even Shadow and I would risk our lives going against her when someone had stolen her favorite chain. No, we, the ones with more experience than those two combined, will hide with no qualms in the bathroom with CJ while she calms down. Wondering why? Because she is beast with her very sharp and very pointy Samurai sword and knives and when she’s upset we tend to have to buy new furniture after. She started coming with us a few weeks after CJ.
Now, don’t deceive yourselves into believing that we just let anyone in. When we realized that CJ would be coming with us, Callie and I did an extensive background check and while we were doing that we caught a look at her GPA. I felt dumb after seeing it. Layna we met at a sparring club. I don’t think I should tell you that story. Gruesome is just one word I would use for it.
So that’s my family. We live together in a house with four bedrooms and two bathrooms. It has a spacious living room that is overlooked by the kitchen a half-floor up which has a small dinner table with four chairs in it. We mainly use the breakfast counter and stools. Callie and I had made enough money before they joined for a mansion in Beverly Hills but we put the money in an offshore account. We only used it if we felt like splurging. Callie and I had lived in a two bedroom studio. We moved when the others moved in and it got cramped. We had saved enough money that we bought our new house in a nice neighborhood that had enough space between houses that you couldn’t really see what was going on and the lawns were huge. Our home has a really long driveway and a really big basement where we keep the computers and weapons. We also have a 52 inch t.v. and Blu-ray player. We live a fairly good life. Our biggest problem is Social Services.
Social Services is something Callie and I have been avoiding since we were 13 and our parents died. We didn’t want to go into the system so we took off. Eventually we started training for different martial arts techniques and were approached for a job when we got our black belts in two months. We had a lot of time on our hands. (Insert flash back of job) When word got around that we would do nearly anything for money, we got a major boost in jobs. But we had standards and morales. Our employers had to follow them or face the imminent threat of an anonymous call to the police with their address and activities. They would never find us anyway. One, we would never hurt children. Kidnap them, yes, hurt them, never. That also applied to the innocent bystanders and family members that had no idea what their husband, wife, sister or brother or whatever was into. Two, we didn’t team up. It was just Callie and me. Noone else. Three, they never saw our faces. For all they knew we were some grown men with girl names who never stopped going and were never found.
So, back to Social Services. When we got the money and were between jobs, we would enroll into a school with fake papers and fake names. We still needed our education.

rating: pg, t.e.s.s.a

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