(no subject)

Nov 22, 2005 01:19

Ok, here goes:

THE LARAMIE PROJECT!!!!!!!!!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was fuckin amazing!!!! I mean, like one of the best things ever in my entire life!!!!

Ok, i feel better now.

So here's the deal, the show went extremely well, even when lines were fucked up, or lights didn't go on.

BTW, if you don't know the play, look it up, learn about it, read it if you can, it's something everyone should experience.

Thursday, my dad and stepmom came, and they enjoyed it. The next morning I got up early, registered for classes at 7 am, got on a city bus in the cold and went to NH to have breakfast at the hotel with them. Then we went to Yale Art Museum and I saw priceless works of art that quite frankly bored me to death.

Sat. night's show sucked compared to the rest, but we got a standing ovation anyway!

Also in the mix, the aftermath of doing a powerful show like this...
Marcus, president of the USGA, and the object of Pat's affection (lol), saw the movie and the show, and was inspired to start a diversity orginazation! He had t-shirts made in time for sunday's show. it was awesome, I'm wearing it right now. It says "I AM." not "I AM" as if you could add something after it... just "I AM." period....because it doesn't matter what you are....just that you are.

Also, it's cool to have people you don't know stop and tell you how well you did around campus randomly.

In other news, I have one or three classes left (depending on whether I want to get home at 11 or 1:30 in the morning.) Then I'll be home in NJ!!!
Wednesday night, RENT!!!! Anyone who is reading this, give me a call, we'll put a group together!
I hear the play at RFH was fantastic, I wish I could have been there! Congradulations to all y'all!

Ending on a more important note...
I know it may not make sense to everyone out there...but in the past few weeks, the cast of The Laramie Project has truly gotten to know Matthew Shepard and all the people who were interviewed for the play. We've become these people, and in doing so we've learned so much about them. So I just want to say...well...

Thank you Matthew. Thank you for helping us share something positive with the world, and for touching so many lives, both before and after you left us. Hope we did the story justice!

OK, that's all for me, so g'night everyone, and I shall be home shortly!
aka Jedadiah
aka J-Dizzle
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