Tonight's philosophical musing

Oct 04, 2005 00:42

Welcome back, y'all.

Tonight my walk of enlightenment was filled with anecdotes and strange happenings that I remembered from countless events over the course of my life.

Tonight's theme: Synchronisity (or something spelled similarly to that.)

OK, i'm not going to give the usual bullshit about "god has a plan" or "everything happens for a reason" that your mom usually gives you right after your significant other breaks up with you (I know my mom did). But...some things are unmistakably odd. Some things just work out...a little too perfectly to be coincidence. For example, a three step process (not the best example, but the most recent and fresh in my mind):

1. About two weeks ago, I met a girl named Katie Morris. Any regular LJ reader knows the story. Whatever the case, she has been on my mind.
2. Then, last weekend, I went to Philadelphia to pick up Erin, and while I was on the way, Aly called me and asked me to visit her. I did, if only for 20 minutes. I remarked while I was making the short yet slightly complex journey from Main St. (where Villanova, and consequently Erin, is) to Bryn Mawr (where Aly is) that one of the streets was named Morris (only because I had recently made the aquantance of Katie Morris).
3. Three days later, I was driving Erin home, and we hit traffic, so I took a strange turn that had signs for Villanova. After driving for about 2 miles with no further markings, i was sure we would get lost, though I said nothing to freak out Erin. Then, suddenly, we came to an intersection, and I knew where to go. There were no signs for Villanova, or anything else....only a street sign that said Morris.

So you see, without the prior events of meeting katie, and going to visit aly, both of which could very easily not have happened, I would have been lost, and scared, and all that jazz.

For a more philosophical point of view, I saw tonight in the New Haven skyline, a new revelation. In my Discrete Structures class, we study patterns. Patterns in everything. And when I looked at the buildings, I said that there was no pattern to them. no pattern to their shape or size or placement relative to each other. Then I started to find some. Patterns that were loose, and unlikely, but patterns none the less. And then I realized that there are patterns in everything we do. Everything is patterned. The way we walk from place to place, the schedules we follow, the order we do things when we first get up in the morning, the choices we make.... So are our lives anything more than a series of patterns? If so, can you break the patterns and branch out? The previous section, about synchronisity, is a key issue here. The pattern of events that happened in my example (though not the best example) were perfect, and with any one element missing or out of place, would not have had a positive outcome. There are no answers to be found here, if that's what you're looking for. None at all. Like all good questions, this one just leads to even more questions.

Maybe there's peace in finding the patterns...maybe it's best not to know. Maybe there are no patterns at all. Maybe God is pushing us along, maybe fate, maybe just coincidence.
Or maybe...some other force...a force that is generated soley by the interactions between providing us with everything we need to make our world into what we want...if you know where to look....if you can see the signs...the patterns..........
Share your thoughts if you like, just leave a comment.

Good night, my hommies,
Miss you all! (I might have a surprise for all you people who are home in FH/R/RB)
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