n00b. With gifts. Oh such gifts I give.

Aug 02, 2005 01:41

Hello all!
pweeese don't let this community be dead
How I got here is unimportant. I happened across Janus's TM player and fell in love with the characterization and just...things went from there.
I managed to find a brand spanky new copy of goldeneye at blockbuster. (SCORE for my good luck) and the rest, as they say is history.

The following was my entry for last month's fst challenge. I thought you all might...find it interesting.

STOCKHOLM SYNDROME:: The Alec Trevelyan/James Bond FST.

Goldeneye was the first James Bond movie to be made since the collapse of the Soviet Union in favor of...whatever system of government they have today. *wince* James Bond is a cold-war era hero however, so the filmmakers faced the challenge (and continue to face the challenge) of having James Bond adapt to our world of terrorism and lack of a common enemy. I mean back then it was JUST the soviet Union. What the hell?

It also introduces us to the reason why 007 works alone (and here you thought it was just so he didn't have someone knocking on the door after a long night going "James-we're gonna be late dude.") and to the egmatic and mysterious 006.

Implausibility is the name of the game. Namely that both 007 and 006 survive incredible amounts of pain (I mean, Bond drops Trevelyen off of a satillite. He falls several stories (at least) and still manages to maintain conciousness. Huzzah for implausibility) And there are always beautiful women with totally unrealistic names. The CGI's still in its early days, so Pierce Brosnan, Sean Bean, and the rest of the cast have termina line syndrome, but its all good.

Interestingly enough, Famke Jennssen who plays the lovely and scientific Jean Gray of X-Men played Xenia Onatopp, aka suicidal S&M lover with the thigh grip of death (if you haven't seen Goldeneye, the thigh grip of death is worth renting it alone) scary non?

Anyway, Goldeneye is no longer being sold individually (because the clever bastards who own Bond figured out that they can make tons of money by making box sets and dumping a bunch of crappy bond movies in with the good ones.) So if you rent it, love it (like I did) and want to own it for yourself check out ebay or amazon for a new or used copy (was lucky enough to find her copy used at blockbuster. ^^)

Final fact. Goldeneye was the last movie to feature Desmond Llewelyn as "Q". The only actor to be featured in nearly all of the Bond Movies. He will be missed. sniffle
(Could wax poetic forever about the trivia in this film, but won't due to the time and page constraint. Simply check out www.imdb.com for more information. ^^)

He's 007! International man of mystery with a license to kill (Apparently they only issue licenses to kill to nine of the 318 MI6 operatives, but don't quote me on that) Man about town, lover of women, he speaks every language known to man, is impervious to bullets, and drives a REALLY cool car. Pierce Brosnan fills the role of Bond very well (Unable to commit to 1986's Bond film...the name escapes me at the moment >_< but it was because he was playing Remington Steele)

And introducing 006! Russian Immigrant to Britian (Not by choice) Alec Trevelyen is a survivor of the 1932 (Correct me if I'm wrong folks) Lienz Cossack scenario. Alec's described as an "Errant Schoolboy" in the novelization, and he has a very reckless and headstrong attitude while Bond (I was surprised too) is far more measured. He gets captured defects in 1986 and spends the next nine years setting up a criminal empire. Because, surprise, he's a bastard. Who is dating the lucious Famke Jennssen. Which makes you wonder if he enjoys S&M too.

Anyway, 006 and 007 duke it out with several absolutely fantabulous lines. Bond actually gets Angsty (That was REALLY surprising. He never questions his motives usually) and there's a sarcastic American CIA agent who exemplifies every American Stereotype in the book. And stuff gets blown up. Lots of stuff.

1.Weapon-Matthew Good

Here by my side, an angel
Here by my side, the devil
Never turn your back on me
Never turn your back on me, again
Here by my side, it's Heaven

The Beginning of 006/007's relationship as we first meet them. 006 is a errant schoolboy who looks up to James with adoration and devotion. Together they're an unstoppable team and its obvious they've toppled governments and dictatorships without blinking an eyelash kthnx. Its kind of depressing actually. These are guys who are trained to do whatever it takes for the country, and as we know (And as bond learned in "Die another Day") If they get in trouble they're screwed. The Long and the Short of it? Trevelyan gets screwed over. A casualty of war. And Bond leaves him behind. *WIBBLE* BAD BOND. BAAD.

2.Maybe Someday-Flick

Bond admits to M (Nine years after the fact) that he feels responsible for Alec's death. So when he gets a chance to go after the guy who he thinks killed him/is responsible for his death (see the movie opening to get it) He jumps at the chance. This piece is just a nice and soft lil' roundup for Mr. Bond, thinking about how much Trevelyan meant to him.

3.Bat Country-Avenged Sevenfold

Sometimes I don't know why we'd rather live than die, we look up towards the sky
For answers to our lives
We may get some solutions but most just pass us by, don't want your absolution
'Cause I can't make it right
I'll make a beast out of myself, gets rid of all the pain of being a man

Pure, unadulterated, Alec. He got a taste of the criminal underworld as Janus and he's totally engrossed in it now. Alot of things weigh really heavily on Alec's mind. His parents double suicide, his people's betrayal by Britan, his betrayal by Bond (as he sees it) He's a really sad character (Not sad like-sad=eww. Sad like actually sad) who doesn't see a way out of his current situation, so he embraces the life of a criminal and a petty thief. A Beast of the man who he was.

4. Lucky You-Defttones

You've crossed the walls - Excelled
Further along through their hell
All for my heart, I watch you kill
You always have, you always will
Now spread your wings and sail out to me.... [x2]

Alec is terrifically jealous of Bond. How would you feel if you got to hang out with your hero twenty-four seven? You'd feel pretty inadequate that's how!

Trevelyan: You know James, I considered asking you to join in my little scheme, but I knew it would be too much for you. James bond, her Majesty's loyal terrier.

You get the feeling though that he would have liked for Bond to be a backstabbing neener neener cheater bastard just like him, but he wasn't. Aww.

5.Stockholm Syndrome-Muse

and I won't hold you back
let your anger rise
and we'll fly
and we'll fall
and we'll burn
no one will recall
no one will recall

this is the last time I'll abandon you
and this is the last time I'll forget you
I wish I could

The Title track, and one of my favorite songs. (Wants to maintain myth that Alec was not just a heartless bastard and, in fact, a decent guy who was just corrupted by the situation). Bond meets up with Alec as enemies. Standing toe to toe with him he realizes that he's going to have to kill him and mourns the fact that no one will really remember Alec Trevelyan, the man he knew. Awww. But it has to be done because he's James Bond, and in the end, screwing Natalya will make everything better.
Yes. James Bond is flawed. we're all so very surprised that he uses women to get rid of the pain inside. >_<;

6.Weak and Powerless-A Perfect Circle (Original Mix)

Desperate and Ravenous
I'm so weak and powerless over you

Little angel go away
Come again some other day
The devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
He promised I would find a little solace
And some piece of mind
Whatever just as long as I don't feel

We all know how much we love a Perfect Circle Right? This is James and Alec's final confrontation song. (Fighting on top of the Goldeneye satillite) James attemps to convince Alec to turn to the light, but Alec's too far gone. He's hungry for power and revenge and there's no way in hell he's gonna let James Bond live. Too Bad that James Bond is an absolute good and that he'll live anyway one way or another. *shakes head sadly at Alec's Naivete*

I can see your inner motive
When you wear it on your face
Indesposed to the world
You won’t let yourself be saved

Your the hand that spins my revolver around
When you push me away

On the waves of an ocean
I’m a space God in the rain
In the arms of devotion
Where you never found your place

Its like someone wanted Me to Make this! Another James/Alec song, but this time their relationship has changed. No longer is it 007 as the hero and 006 as the schoolboy eagerly tagging along in their shadow. They're both far darker, far more hurt by the world around them, and far more uneasy about the state of affairs on the planet. Bond remains impeccable, but Alec's become a hardened criminal. Both wish that they could save each other from their differing idealogies (Think Anakin and Obi-wan) but unlike that story (at least in the short term) this one has a far more depressing ending. At least if you were rooting for Alec to come out safe and sound and semi-normal instead of being insane like I was. *WIBBLESNIFFLE*

Ignore any factual errors I might make. I tried. I tried. *hangs head in shame*

And now for my second present-ICONS. I promise to bring more forward, these are old. :33

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