Jun 26, 2004 22:28
wow. today was so fun. it started off slow. i left phil's and went home and slept. but then they called and asked if i wanted to play a show in conyers. i said "sure". we got there and there was A LOT of people there. but they were all hardcore. it was outside at some park. but it was so much fun. i never had so much fun playing. people were looking at me in a good way. i threw a stick away and a kid went and got it. that's awsome. when we got done. "boone" asked if he could borrow a crash. i said "ok". i had to give him my A custom because my other crash is Luke Tilt's. and his will break real easy. when i got the cymbal back i realized that it was broken. it was a very tiny break but it'll get worse. so i went up to him and said "i think you broke my cymbal" we got it all worked out. and i think he's gonna pay me back. those cymbals are so expensive. i feel really bad. but this is really mean. but i'm not gonna let anybody use my stuff again. at least my cymbals. but the show was so fun. we went out to eat after the show to cici's, i got this ranch dressing on this guy. i told him. i'd clean that up for you, but that would just be wierd. it was funny. i made this girl who worked there laugh. and she didn't look that bad.