Oct 03, 2009 10:59
“Today is the effin day”
Was the thing she woke up to.
Today was the day of a beautiful ceremony.
They spoke in French.
They spoke in English.
They stumbled through love songs
And housey songs,
Who’s got the crack?
She spent time in the shower and in the closet
And smoked marbroe-rye.
She feels ough ough ough
Sitting in the corner,
Tip tip tapping.
They are fucked up.
Did they eat any of that cake?
Yes, so ough ough ough.
“I’m not gonna hit you”
Stop, please don’t , she doesn’t trust you.
Except, she believes in their powers,
Their powers of love.
Because they’re the winners
And every day is the effin’ day.