are we still alive here?

Apr 26, 2013 18:58

I'm try to learn foreign languages with no translation whatsoever. I'm looking for introductory materials in German and Arabic. German should be easy because it uses a latin alphabet and is similar to English. I just need something like children's books (better yet if it's oriented towards adult learners) with pictures that gradually build up to longer sentences and more abstract concepts. Same with Arabic, but it will have to be at a slower pace as the unfamiliar alphabet will make learning more difficult.

Can anyone recommend some materials or websites where I can buy these sorts of books? Bonus if they come with audio. I am also doing this with Russian and have made more progress; I started off with Rosetta Stone, now have a children's dictionary and a Look and Learn book (no English in it) and need to find some children's books. I prefer books to Rosetta Stone.

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