Nov 26, 2005 17:29
wow... oh wow. There has been so muchb going on lately, my life is quite a mess, kinda like a beautiful mess but it gets ugly sometimes. I dont know what to make of everything... an I dont know what to think of things. I feel like im loosing my mind, like people still come to the good 'ol Rafael for advice, or other things, and I just cant handle it anymore. I don't know what to say or think.... i can't decide if somethings good or bad, if i'm sad or happy. When I'm standing before that person, I dont know if I'm happy or sad, if I'm glad to be there, or if its just all a mistake. I dont know why I smile if my mind is crying....
I hate hollidays, I've grown to dislike my family more and more for no reason. I don't want to spend a month in Peru, I hate that place, its full of hate, superficiality and prejudice. I just feel like my mind is going to explode for no reason... absolutely no reason