May 10, 2009 23:05
okay, about a billion and one things happened during golden week, and it is not possible for me to write about all of it right now... since it's 11 and i want to go to sleep soon! XD starting a new sleeping schedule so i can be kinda normal... anyway
starting with tuesday... erm, this isn't totally gonna be in chronological order, but i will try!
so i was feeling sick that day... i think it's due to me drinking a huge cup of chocolate milk the night before and i think i'm becoming lactose intolerant cause milk makes my stomach feel funny... i'm good with cheese though... anyway, i was nausous on the shinkansen... which is super totally cool, but man.,.. that five hour ride wasn't fun! i pulled the wrong ticket and had to sit next to one of the teachers... i couldn't even nap right! the shinkansen shook a lot and rocked like a boat.. which is totally lame! motion sickness is so bad for me!
anyway, hiroshima... when we got there, it was awesome! we went to the hiroshima peace museum and the peace park... we got to see the Atomic Dome, which is a building that semi survived the blast and stands as a reminder of the devastation of nuclear war. we got to hear from two hibakushas... they're people who survived the blast on that day... it was pretty intense and they told us their stories of what happened. we also got to visit etajima, which is the japanese defense force academy island... since they can't have an army. we got to see a submarine salvaged from the oceans since it was sunk during wwii! also, we got to see some really cool artworks and whatnot in their military museum. we also visited kure, a city adjacent to hiroshima. lots of ppl who live in kure today are hibakusha who escaped their for medical aid. our guild, a local high school teacher, who is a second generation hibakusha, took us to a cave that used to house a factory during the war. he said that during air raids, people would hide int he cave. one time, an incindiary bomb blew up at the mouth of the cave while people were trapped inside... many were burnt alive.
we also got to go to miyajima, a really touristy island with the famous torii (that you see in the japanese postcards) and a huge temple! they specialize in oysters, i think, cause lots of shops had them. also, they had a lot of manju... they look like little moon cakes with various fillings inside. i liked the cream one the best, then sesame, then red bean... there are tons more flavors though! XD
i have tons of pictures on myspace and i'll post them on facebook soon, but i still have a ton TON of hw to catch up on and a lot more to blog about... i'll continue this in the morning since i'm hella lazy and tired! XD