It has come to my attention that a certain party who calls herself "Serena" thinks that I give a shit to talk about her all the time in all of my conversations with mutual friends.
Allow me to say that you aren't using that thing between your ears very well.
First of all, I have bigger problems in my life than some little twit who is so self-absorbed that she can't see past her own ass.
Second of all, I could care less what you think about me and with that it must mean that I definitely don't give a shit about you.
Congratulations on getting knocked up and bringing a baby into an unstable life. If there even is a baby. I think you're a compulsive liar who just does it for attention. Must have deeper insecurities. I feel sorry for you in a way, but most of me could care less about your troubles.
To the rest of you who have me added and still have a problem with me, please unadd me. If you don't like what I'm selling, don't come to my store. Duh.
It's that simple.
I'm not even going to give you the benefit of getting my emotional side. I'm calm. I'm chilled. i'm telling you this now because you're obviously thick-headed and you don't get it at all.
My real friends are people that I connect with and talk to often.
My fake friends could care less about talking to me.
Someone can tell Serena that I made an entry about her. I'm sure she has so little to do in her days anyway.
Anyway, I'm done with this pointless post. so I think I'll end it with a pointless video!
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