(no subject)

Jan 03, 2008 14:46

As I said,

I met my grandfather for the first time recently.

I had my drunken staff party on Dec 20th which led into my drunken birthday (with a massage so good it made me drool) on the 21st which lead to a hungover and cranky pumpkin flying to Perth on the 22nd.

As per usual it was a whirlwind visit to Perth. I arrived in Perth around 12pm and hung out with mum for a couple of hours before going to their apartment to measure up their kitchen and bathroom (for a proposed renovation sometime down the track). My cool relatives Bob and Dide came along to see the place aswell.

Cruised back home and had a couple of drinks before Max and Myra (relative via marriage somewhere down the line) arrived.

Dide asked me 'What will you say to Max?" and I was tossing up between 'Nice to finally meet you' and 'Where have you been all my life'? I chose the first.... I don't think 'awkward' adequately describes what this meeting was like.

My mum hasnt really spoken to Max for the past 25 years (being the outspoken black sheep of her family) and after my grandmother died earlier this year Max moved from the UK to Perth and got back in contact. Turns out he has been to Perth every year since I was born but made no effort to meet me. Anyway, water under the bridge - he is my 'grandfather' by name only, I have no emotional connection to him at all.

So dinner was... well, what do you say? Luckily Bob, Dide and Myra talked and talked so they were the perfect buffer.

Lindsay rescued me after dinner and we took a trip to the Little Creatures Brewery with her brother and boyfriend.

The next couple of days were whirlwind catching up with friends and family before Brad arrived at 11pm (guh) on Christmas Eve.

I had met Max two days earlier and he was having lunch with us (and Bob and Dide) - so Brad got to meet him aswell. I think it was a lot more awkward for Brad (but as usual, gin does wonders for the nerves).

We almost always go out for Christmas lunch but this year was a big stay and home affair. I can't believe just how mnay we ate (and how much was left over). I was in paaaaain after lunch - what is it about a random day in December that requires us to eat until we can barely take it? Brad and I were asleep by 4.30pm and slept for a few hours. Woke up again around 7, had a turkey sandwich and watched Howl's Moving Castle.


Leftovers were the order of the day on Boxing Day - as was a hideous 42degree day. Luckily it cooled off a little by the afternoon and Brad and I headed to the beach to meet up with a bunch of friends from all around Oz, strangely enough. The company was great, the fish and chips delicious.

And then we left Perth at 7am on Dec 27th.

More to come. (Apologies for the stop starting - As uusual I am hungover...)
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