You can't take the sky from me

Aug 25, 2007 22:23

Last weekend was my two year anniversary.

I had never had a six month, let alone a year, and now I've had two years. It never ceases to amaze me just how quickly time passes. At 24 I feel like I've accomplished nothing, yet I have two degrees, I've travelled the world (albeit the western, touristy portion), loved ones have come and gone - time seems cruel in the fact that it just escapes you. All the time in the world, yet never enough.

..."surely I can't be dead, I have so much more to do..."

I have been working at Bates Smart for seven weeks now. This has been quite possibly the most stressful, consuming job I have ever had the pleasure of being a part of.

When I told my mum I wanted to change to an interior design degree, she didnt talk to me for three weeks. She was appalled, certain of the fact that my future consisted of low pay or a position on a home renovation show, working for ugly people to fix their ugly houses.

Now while my pay is that of a just graduated... gradute, Im on the ladder. Yes, the bottom rung, but im on the damn ladder.

So work has been stressful. I know nothing of detailing a disabled bathroom, or drawing furniture specs and I could care less of what fabric goes on which of our 24 different cushions but it's all part of the learning experience. I think what is most stressful is that since I have started I have had five different tender submissions - where we issue drawings and specifications to the client that get sent to consultants to check and to come back with prices etc. We have to send out what are basically construction documents that people need to be able to read and understand.

There have been a lot of issues with the client - demanding more, changing their mind, telling us that are drawings are over documented and then complaining when we simplify them, making us then increase the levels of documentation and reissue them. I have no idea what Im doing - it is more of a case of dog paddling rather than freestyle. However, I am keeping my head above water.

It is a good firm to work for, but I often feel quite lonely. I'm friendly without having friends. It's something that takes time obviously, and will happen more naturally when I don't have to worry quite so much about getting so much out so quickly.

On my project there are four main people. Others have come and gone, but it is me and Erin, then Voula our senior architect and then Candice our team leader. Voula is brilliant and Candice, while she has had to deal with some of my fuckups (which included accidently filing someones bank details in with a set of tender documents), seems to genuinely appreciate my efforts and has said so on a few occassions.

We are Crown Towers, one of several teams working on the Crown refurb. Overseeing all the Crown projects is Helen. Helen is one of the more senior members of the interiors division and has been exceptionally pleasant and very happy with my work. While I think Im a little scatty and underskilled (coming from a conceptual course and then going into the practical with no relevant experience) she has been very happy with my output and my relationships with employees and clients.

Which brings me to yesterday.

I was talking to Helen at the end of the day and we got to discussing tender number six, which happens next thursday or friday. Once these documents are in Crown Towers is (kind of) complete. Everything will have been issued and the project goes on hiatus for about a month. Aftr that any issues raised in tender will be dealt with and then the drawings are resent for construction.

Sooooooooo as of next Friday I am off the project, as is Voula. Erin is part time and that will be all that is needed for the project. Helen told me one of two things will happen - either I will be a free agent in the office and will get placed in a group that needs an extra staff member (aparently a crown project - Maple Room - expressly asked for me (!) but Candice argued against that. She told me later than the project is horrible and that If I were to go on that I would be dealing with a lot of other peoples shit. I will thank her later Im sure) or....

There is a chance I will get MY OWN PROJECT! I know! Helen is meeting with the client this week to discuss whether the project will go ahead or not. It is a very very small project and Im guessing it is a favour to a friend of Helens more than anything else. Bates does multi multi million dollar projects and this would be a residential refurb for a nursery.

Now, obviously not an overly exciting project, nor would there be a great deal of scope, however it would be mine and it would be my responsibility. I'm more excited but the fact that Helen is even contemplating giving me something that I would do on my own. I dont have a heck of a lot of experience, however I have learnt a lot quickly that could be applied to something of this scale.

But like I said, there is only a small chance it will go ahead. In the meantime I have tender to get through.

And not only that, I have mid semester the day before (!). I have to do a model tomorrow and get some more work done for my panels. I have tomorrow and monday night and then I want to print on Tuesday night. I dont want to leave it till the last minute on Wednesday because I just know something will go wrong. It always does.

But for tonight, I am done. I have had a massage, I have had a facial, I have had a bad nights sleep but a hot shower and a naked boyfriend should do the trick.

So thats me, updated. Over, under, in and out.


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