This is the first day of the rest of your...

Jul 02, 2007 19:39

Work was fucking great.

I hadn't even sat down at my desk before getting dragged to my first team meeting.

I'm not going to go into detail other than the fact that today was a great first day.

Im working on the hotel refurbishment of Crown Towers. All the fabrics and furniture have been chosen so Im coming in to do the specifications and documentation (eeeeeeeeeeeeverything is being custom built. EVERYTHING down to the door handles and cushions). Im even going to a prototype room built within the hotel tomorrow with the project manager to photograph some of the furniture and measure things...

Aparently they are getting me to do this because my uni projects have been so big and crazy they wanted me to get a handle on small things - bring it on I say.

All our fabric specs are due tomorrow, everything else on thursday so its work work work for me. But it's great... Its practical.

Now I am going to go enjoy my glass of shiraz viognier.

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