Here kitty kitty kitty...

Sep 20, 2013 00:19

On a lighter note we seem to have gotten ourselves a new cat. His name is Carlos...

The Oompa Loompa and her offspring that used to reside next door moved out Sep 1. She rented a large moving truck and loaded a few dozen items into it and left. We expected she'd be back the next day to get more stuff as there was still a bunch visible from outside even. She didn't come back, we assumed it was because it wasn't great weather. She never returned. A few days later a bin showed up on the driveway. The landlord and his team were there all day and filled it overflowing. Apparently she left everything behind. There were 4 large recycle bags of pop cans alone. Televisions, hockey skates, furniture, a BBQ in nicer shape than ours, all thrown into the bin... Shameful... The worst part is the next day Carlos came calling, mewing for his family... He was their cat, the same one that used to invite himself in and explore our basement when he was a skinny orange kitten 4 yrs ago when we first moved in... More of a neighbourhood cat now likely due to loss of interest on their part these days but still technically theirs and still technically abandoned... What kind of person can't even be bothered to take their cat?

I signed up her mother in Belleville No Frills a few days later and she had no idea that her daughter had left all her stuff behind. She was livid. Kept asking if such and such was thrown out, I just kept saying likely... Also had an interesting convo about her son in law, the idiot who mowed over Silas' sunflowers at the beginning of summer, she just said typical... Ironically the daughter who moved out went by the name Kat... Anyways back to Carlos...

We gave him a bowl of milk the first day and lots of much needed attention.... And again the next... Finally my father in law gave us a bunch of cat food seeing as he buys it seemingly by the dump truck load at Cosco... At this point he's become a fixture on our porch,( the cat, not my father in law) mewing loudly and munching cat food... So far he's just an outside kitty but I'm assuming if he was a bit healthier and didn't so obviously have fleas he'd likely be curled up already somewhere in our house...
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