Sep 29, 2005 19:12
Time for an update: My life is more or less purgertory!
For the past week and a half I've been staying at my parents. To see how I got to this
point lets backtrack. This summer for me financially has been a son of a bitch. My ex
employers,CIT, couldn't hold there shit together long enough to correctly pay me by without
a doubt hard earned money. Twice this summer I went as long as a month without getting paid.
Anyone who works(or with common sense) knows this is completely unacceptable.
I've heard people complain about there job by saying, I hate my manager, co-
workers,children(etc). I would work 6 days a week usually between 12-14 hours a day and
sometimes literally come home with nothing to show for it. It's been to the point where
little things were upsetting me and brining me to tears.My relationship with Alia was having
some troubles. Alia is without question to good for me. She misses me,waits for me,and turns
down other men even though they make a lot more money then I do.
I never got to see her, I never got to be with her and drove to tears that I couldn't be
there for her.Not get off topic lets go back to what CIT is:Disorganized buissness men who
had no right to even think they can run a contracting company. I got shorted on money when I
did receive it, I had my gas privilages taken away,and when I worked in Metro Atlanta I run
by a guy named Tony. Piece of SHIT!!!! This man had nothihng but bullshit to shovel in my
face. I literally almost single handidly carried CIT in Metro Atlanta. I trained people,I
fixed jobs,I did my own route,and hell I even managed the company when Tony decided that
work would be to hard on his 300+Lbs frame.(His blood flow I'm sure moves like a fucking
glacier through his arteries and are clogged like after he uses the toilet). One thing I
couldn't stand about working there was people knowing who my father is. Charles Goodreau was
the former Director of Operations in North,Metro,and Perimeter Ga. His area of control was
massive and everyone I work with knows him. Some where extra nice to me and others were jealous of me.
Tony was very jealous of me. He and some others would say shit like, "I don't care who your father is you work for me". Fuck Tony Fuck
Tony Fuck Tony Fuck Tony FUck Tony FUCK TONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I abhore that fucking unevolved piece of genetic shit!!! Now we are at
Spetember 29th 2005. CIT has offically closed shop and filed for bankruptcy and has left me jobless. I can't stand it! I have no money,no
phone,no vehicle on my own,and being supported by my parents. I was hired by Comcast supposedly last month,went through three job
interviews with them and a drug test and I'm still not working there. I don't understand whats going on here, it's rediculious.
Temporarily staying with my parents feels odd. I have no money to do anything and I'm indebt to them because my rent this month is being
paid. My Mom gives me constant shit about money and I can't stand it and I'm trying to go home to find some sort of temporary work until
Comcast gets through. Money is power Money gives you choices in life. Nuff Said