Mar 05, 2005 16:58
Im at work Friday, and im in the truck in traffic, all i can do at that point is either sit their and twiddle my thumbs or listen to music. Obviously i picked the music, im not pathetic. ANYWAY, a good song comes on, and i would like to take a moment and say what has happened in the past. In my daily travels through boston with the trucks they dont have CD players in them, and i am forced to listen to the radio, which i dont mind. But all the drivers that work for this company have nextels, and previously whenever a good song comes on my boss (Mark) calls up to check on my progress and to fit more runs into my already busy list of things to do. So back to what happened on FRI, a song that i like comes on and i turn it up, i think to myself, mark is going to call up and find something to discuss that will take the duration of this song............ SURE ENOUGH 15-20 sec into the song....
beep beep "come in Rick".....
me: WTF, EVERY FUCKING TIME, FUCK YOU MARK...... YOU BASTARD...... ::presses ptt button on phone:: "go ahead mark" <-- normal voice
At this point im hoping he just called up to check my progress, next thing i know he's explaining to me why i need to go to SMA and pick up duct....... i am FINALLY able to end the convo just to find out the damn DJ saying the name of the song... damnit....
Things like this is what makes up my workday, not all haveing to do with music, just wierd things that annoy the shit out of you happen in that shop all the time.
and its getting old