
Jun 27, 2004 13:34

...seeing as to how people actually read this shit, I thought I'd try to make a little progress in the virtually non-existant lunenburg/fitchburg/leomonster straight edge scene. I got this shit off of straightedgeonline.org:

Short-Term Effects of Smoking Marijuana:

Impaired short-term memory
Reduced ability to concentrate
Loss of coordination
Increased heart rate
Dry mouth
Bloodshot eyes
Decreased social inhibitions

Long-Term Effects of Smoking Marijuana:

Abnormal physical development in males: reduced testosterone levels may delay deepening of voice, growth of beard, development of muscle mass. It can also lead to decreased sperm count and difficulty having children.
Abnormal physical development in females: Increased testosterone and decreased estrogen levels may cause irregular menstrual cycles and an increased risk of infertility.
Carbon monoxide and tar into lungs (Pot smoke has 70% more cancer-causing chemicals than tobacco smoke, so that heavy pot smokers may have as much or greater potential for developing cancer as cigarette smokers).
Reduced capacity to fight off infections (and added risk of infection to smokers who share joints)
Decreased motivation/ambition

Tar is a sticky, gummy residue created by burning tobacco. It damages a smoker's lungs and respiratory system. If a person smokes one pack of cigarettes a day, he will accumulate up to 8 ounces of tar in his lungs in a year. Damage to a smoker's lungs can lead to lung cancer, emphysema, and acute bronchitis.

Carbon Monoxide:
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas. It enters the bloodstream and replaces some of the oxygen in a smoker's bloodstream. Carbon Monoxide damages a smoker's circulatory system and can lead to heart disease.

Hydrogen Cyanide:
Hydrogen cyanide is a poisonous gas that temporarily paralyzes the cilia (tiny hairs that line the nose and bronchial tubes). Cilia help to keep the lungs free from germs. Long term smoking results in the permanent destruction of the cilia. Damage to the lungs can lead to lung cancer, acute bronchitis, emphysema and other lung ailments.


That's just in pot. I know a few people who do acid and shrooms, so they're going to get their share too.


Short- and Long-Term Effects of Hallucinagens:

Increased heart rate and blood pressure
Dilated pupils
Numbness, weakness, and trembling
Slurred speech
Impaired coordination
Depression, anxiety, paranoia
Violent behavior
Persistent psychosis
Catatonic syndrome whereby user becomes mute and disoriented and makes meaningless and repetitive movements
Decreased awareness of pain that can lead to injuries
Heart and lung failure

And finally, speed:

Short- and Long-Term Effects of Methamphetamine:

Picking at the skin
Auditory and visual hallucinations
Excited speech
Memory loss
Increased physical activity
Violent and erratic behavior
Psychotic behavior
Potential cardiac and neurological damage
Risk of hepatitis, AIDS, and other infectious diseases through sharing of needles


If you want to read more or get more info on this stuff, go to the site I mentioned above. I seriously don't know why people would want to do all these drugs, but that's their choice.

edit - 2:35 pm: I took out some of the unneeded stuff to make the entry shorter and to get to the point.
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