Hmmm update 160...

Nov 24, 2005 12:15

Heheheee I am feeling terrible hyperactive today.

It is probably a heady combination of 4hrs sleep (at the union til 1am then Chatting to Travis who stayed over until 4!),
the fact that this weeks Felix contains...
an article about our noise problems,
one about the societies trip to Windsor Castle,
a cartoon of our department (very funny will try and put it up later)
and very scary ladies hockey centre fold with naked roommate from last year o_0

Hmm also Travis was pointing out to me that I seem to have developed a fan club of guys trying to get my attention in the pub, hmm maybe being the only single female in the pub who isn't crazy american girl has its uses. Although everyone is now trying to set me up with said novices, tch trouble makers... I think they just want me to stop *squeeee*ing them, but if they will do blatent PDAs then what do they expect...

Was going to skip labs and work this afetrnoon... but V and I are going for coffee instead...
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