Jun 23, 2019 17:42
Okay, let's start with a few numbers.
ny currently consumes 160,000 gwh of electricity per year.
Additionally, new yorkers heat their homes, mostly with natural gas, although many use fuel oil, some use propane or electric, and some few use wood.
On top of that, new yorkers drive cars, take public transportation, etcetera.
So, doing away with all fo the fossil fuel consumption looks like this:
Electric cars get in the range of 3 kwh per mile. New yorkers drive a total of 122,595,835,000 miles per year (feels high, but it's only 16 miles per person per day). Which gives you an electricity demand (assuming that NONE of those are trucks) of 40000 additional gwh that must be generated.
Next, NY consumes 1,240 billion cubic feet of natural gas. at 1000 btu/cf, that's 1.24 quadrillion btu, or 413,000(!) gwh in electricity equivalent. Which, again, seems surprising, until you realize that 1/50th of the natural gas consumed in ny provides almost half of the state's electricity.
Okay, I *could* keep on rolling, ny does use some coal, I didn't get to home heating oil, but I'm going to roll right past that.
in order to drive those teslas and heat the homes, etcetera, ny electricity production is going to have to install offshore wind to the tune of 4 *times* current electrical generation capacity.
Which, working the math a little, I get that to do this would involve installing around 171GW of offshore wind, or around 1/3 of total world installed wind as of now. which would have a pricetag of around 765 BILLION dollars.
BUT Wait, there's more! Wind is an intermittent source! Which means you need backup systems! So, obviously, they're talking about batteries. Now, just to have an estimate, you're going to need *just about* enough batteries to hold the consumption for 1 day. So, 600,000 gwh/365=1643 gwh. Which which is FAR more li-ion batteries than have been produced on earth. Assuming that demand can be met at all, at current low end prices, of 150/kwh, that's another 235 billion dollars.
And, on top of that, there is a MASSIVE upgrade to the distribution infrastructure that goes along with that. The electrical entrance on every home will need replacement (2000 for each and every home), the heating systems will need to be replaced ($4000 for every home), etcetera...
So, NY just mandated themselves to spend WELL over a trillion dollars in the next few decades. This on a 17 billion dollar annual budget, and already carrying a debt of 382 billion (23% gdp)…
Yeah. fucktarded decision is fucktarded.