Jun 01, 2017 09:52
Okay, before, I explored the options for solving global warming by removing people. It didn't go well. Here, I am going to just check out quickly what the lifestyle one could expect if we solve global warming by changing consumption patterns. Specifically, I am going to look at what the lifestyle of a nation that currently meets it's emissions target is.
So, 1990 emissions were 22230 mt of co2. divided by 5.2 billion people gives us 4.3 tons/person/year. 15% of that is 0.64 tons/year. EXCEPT that there are more people now 1.4 times as many to be specific. So, that leaves 0.45 tons per person. The average american has 17.62 tons, just for reference.
So, in what nation is that the emission level today? Well, in the .4 tons band, there are bangladesh, cambidia, cote d'ivor, the solomon islands, tajikstan, timor-leste, and vanatu.
Look those up. That's the lifestyle to which humanity must be condemned to avert "disaster". Hmmm... Think I'll pass.