Dark and I were discussing the Scientology protests yesterday and she asked what Scientology's deal was with their war on Psychiatryy. In
a Time article I read, it says that psychiatry is one of Scientology's biggest competitors and they've set up a front group to go to war with psychiatry and discredit various psychiatrists and drug makers who produce anti-depressants. They call themselves "psychbusters" and they're actually responsible for hurting the sales of Prozac at some point in the late 80s/early 90s. Essentially, they're trying to replace medicine with their googly moogly. After all, why let their members pay a doctor for treatment when they can siphon off that money into their own pockets?
Now, it's not enough that I just say this and quote a Times article. Let's hear it from the horse's mouth:
Scientology Leader David Miscavige Explains COS Plans To “Obliterate” Psychiatry. Here we have the head of Scientology spewing out his plans of war with Psychiatrists and an auditorium full of people cheering and eating it up. The speech is littered with Scientology speak and at first I wondered if I was even listening to English. I have to wonder how anyone can keep a straight face while going on about "LRH Technologies". It really is crazy talk on the grandest of scales. Ah Scientology, how you never cease to bring the WTF.