So, I'm reviving some old memes. It seems appropriate that one is a year in review meme. ^_^ Let's see my
Year in Review!
A Year in Review Meme
Take the first few lines from each of your first posts for every month.
It's always so fun to wake up in a puddle of your own snot. Niku woke me up to an empty house at 5:30. She pulled me from some very weird dreams about staying with Dark in this post apocalyptic New York where they were constantly reshowing footage of how lava ate half of the island. It was weird.
So, I'm supposed to be working on my inkspot. Kimblee and wolfy Archer must smex. Ya know what I worked on instead? Flesh of his Flesh. According to, the first chapter of that fic was posted in 04-14-03. My last update of that fic was in June of '05. So it's been about four years since I started the thing and a year and a half since I last updated it and out of the blue, I write an entire chapter in a few hours!
Wai wai! Internet! *cries happy tears* My internet decided to not work yesterday. Since I had a headache, I just went to bed. I had the weirdest dream about my parents and some people who work at the Foodcourt. There was a train and Niku was prancing around with a lunchbox oh, and my mom flew a plane. Yeah...really weird.
...I just had the weirdest damn dream! There's too much to go into and it will make no sense but it ended with a skinny blond girl taking off from a party on horseback. The horse was very skittish. A moment later you see the horse, riderless. As you look around, you see the girl impaled the limb of a log that's jutting up. As if that's not bad enough, she coughs and sits up and starts babbling nonsense, despite that fact that she should be dead! You can see the huge gaping hold in her chest and for some reason, it's heart-shaped. I was so disturbed O_o
I filled out the survey for that sleep research thing. I realized something too, I'm already on a ten hour sleep cycle...sort of. When I do sleep and have the freedom to do so, I sleep about ten hours. Huh. I realized something else. I'm boring! Do I have any strange diseases? No. Drink coffee or fancy coffee drinks? No. Smoke? No. Take any medications? No. Take birth control (implying some sort of sexual activity)? No. Drink alcohol? No. Take any kind of recreational drugs? No. What the hell do I do? Oh yeah! I sit around on my butt with my head so far in the clouds, normal people need space ships just to get there. Wow, I am so awesome! >_>
So my grandmother had been on my tail to get down into the basement and help clean up down there. She kept going on about how there's all these boxes that need to be broken down. If you look in my photo album, I posted some pictures of our basement. It's pretty much the same except that my grandfather bought this fancy new table saw that he set up and has never used.
The amount of sick I am at the moment is ridiculous. And why am I sick? Oh yes, that beautiful natural feminine process known as fucking menstruation is jerking me around. Of course, it's complete TMI to mention what's going on, but suffice it to say it is horribly painful and unpleasant and altogether fucking stupid!
Oh hey, I've been slacking and now I have a whole week to update on! Yay! ^_^;; Let's get cracking.
Friday went by so quickly at work, but it was full of stress. Not stress for me, but stress from others. Being the end of the month, they were suddenly trying to bill as many people as possible all at once. There is typically one girl who does that job. They pulled other people from their jobs to try and make them bill out suddenly and everyone was stressed and complaining. Lame lame lame.
So, my dear Toppa Tengen Gurren Lagann ended yesterday. It's got to be one of the most epic things I've ever seen. Even though it's over, I'm still so in love. I've got to rewatch it, but its DVDs, and buy as much merchandise as I can get my grubby hands on!
So, it's only been a whole week since Y-Con ended....perfect time for an overly verbose Con report! Better yet, I no longer own a camera, thus it will not even be peppered with interesting con pictures! Yippee! So let the report commence!
If I had balls, I'd be sweating them off. It's too fucking hot in here! I have to keep opening the window to let some frigid air in here because I'm sweating so much! And this heating system sucks. I don't even know what you'd call it, but it's basically like a mini radiator running the length of the wall.
So what does this tell me about my year? I have some crazy ass dreams, that's for sure. Oh yeah, I'm also pretty boring, watched anime and went to Y-Con.
Next Meme! It's a fake memories meme.
If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, (even if we don't speak often) please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me.
It can be anything you want - good or bad - BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE.
When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your LJ and be surprised (or mortified) about what people DON'T ACTUALLY remember about you.