May 31, 2006 16:40
I have not written in here in a very long time and I'm not sure why that is the case. I guess maybe I have grown out of my livejournal in some ways but in other ways I still cherish all the entries I have written or those entries that my friends have written. There are so many good and bad memories because of this livejournal and maybe that's why I am so reluctant to give it up.
My life in a nutshell as of right now is quite hectic. I'm not really sure what's going on, but I know something is going on. haha. Even though my first year of college is over I am ready to start my second year. I am feeling very discontent with life right now. Maybe this is because I am in the process of finding a new job and a place to live or maybe this is just who I am. Being discontent is what my life revolves around most of the time. I should find a new hobby. Collecting books and shoes can only take you so far...I think maybe i should invest in some climbing equipment. hmmm... I really need to find an apartment but I have this all consuming fear that I might have to find a roommate. Of course if it comes to that then I will have to find a guy because a girl will just not do at all. That is a big negative.
Well, I really should go.