May 12, 2004 18:55
Today I had to go to the dentist for a cleaning in Manhattan. I had to go right after school meaning I didn`t get off the train on my stop, 50th Street. Instead I had to get off on Pacific Street. Ugh. I had to wait for my mom. She took forever to come. While I was sitting down on a bench, some guy stands next to me. LMAO. Lord.. here's the brief convo we had. ( It's basically exactly how everything was said )
him: Excuse me Miss, do you think I'm an ugly person ?
me: Wha !? (Me and my lost self lol)
him: Do you think I`m an ugly person ?
me: Uhmm I dunno ::weird look::
him: Oh okay. [silence for about 45 seconds] What school you go to?
me: New Utrecht.
him: How long you been here?
me: Where ? The train station?
him: ::smiles:: No, the school.
me: Oh I'm a freshman.
him: Oh aight ... so you like it there
me: It`s aight.
[By this time I was really annoyed and kept turning my head the other way =/ .. About 5 minutes later his train came and he waved and I gave him a "whatever" bye.] My mom finally came about 15 minutes later. It was kinda embarrassing walking around with my mom afterschool. Like if she came to pick me up or something.
And for the record, yes he was an ugly person. I don`t want to sound mean but uy no. How come mostly all the times, it's the ugly or weird guys that come up to me ?! Like 50% of the time it's ooglay guys and 30% of the time it`s weird guys and 20% it`s hott guys. Ehh whatever. Yes looks aren`t the most important thing but when it`s times like these, that you probably won`t ever see the guy again it`s a different story.
In even worse news, I`m getting braces tomorrow. Fuck. I didn`t know I was gonna get them so soon. I`m gonna look like such a nerd. I mean I already have fucking glasses. How great to add some braces ?! I honestly don`t think I look like a "nerd/dork/geek" with my glasses but then to have braces too. Nahhh meng. And I need them for 2 years meaning I`ll have them for my 15`s. Life is beautiful isn`t it ?