LJ Idol Season 4 - Topic 1: My Favorite "Childhood" Memory

Nov 05, 2007 08:20

In the south of Georgia where fireflies dwell
After one of those days that was hot as hell

"North," cried my parents, "to the beach where it's wetter!"
(Why did my childhood mind think that would be better?)

Off to the grandparents by the base of Lejeune
To frolic and play between the surf and the dune.

No Swimming Today, the signs did declare.
Undercurrent is strong and all should take care.

Boredom, it seemed, would overtake heat.
Then dad showed how this foe to defeat.

From the car be produced a bag and a ball.
"Build forts," he directed, "Not castles tall."

"One each and evenly apart. Spread out before the sea."
From the bag he gave us each twenty plastic marines.

The rules were simple, the game easy and swell
You lose when your men are buried or fell.

I don't remember who won the first game.
We played enough they might all be the same.

In snow or on sand.
Army guys or He-man.

The field mattered not.
The point was the fun.

lj idol [4]

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