May 13, 2005 00:02
So today. I'm not gonna talk about personal growth or the guards as I said I would. Rather, I will talk about NYU as an academic institution. It probably won't get as many responses as people did yesterday. And probably won't be really interesting. But it's listed, so I'll do it. Mainly, NYU as an institution was originally a banal institution that bothered me at every turn with burecratic bull shit and a fucking scary ass annoying professor who laughed with his jaw unhinged, yet somehow was still teaching to freshman...all the whilte attempting to touch them. Scared the fuck out of me. Well, that and the annoyance that is writing the essay FUCKING SUCKED. But, once that ended, I realized that overall, I could not pursue this career path I want without NYU.
Where else could I get a great cinema studies education. Sure a lot of other colleges offer it now, but it started at NYU, and it will continue to grow here. I am proud to be involved in its first real experimental Tisch/CAS group (sure there were like 5 the year before us, but we are the expansion.) And on top of that, I just found my NYU pride through the process, but mainly my CAS pride. I found myself gripping to my honors group, the ideals of CAS as a school that was a nice mix of burecratic bullshit, but truly caring about the student with level heads rather than feeling as if we had a privelege to be there. We paid to learn, and they taught us as best as they could. They engaged us in discussion. Sure they gauge the price from time to time...but I atleast got a free trip out of it in a bonding experience with a group of people that I never will give up. To simply visit a strange land and have to connect with these people, only to discover there were so many people like me made me feel welcome. It was the true sense of community...more genuine than I ever felt in this suburb of mine, and more exciting than I ever experienced in high school. To engage in meaningful discussion was fantastic, and it was the only group where I feel as if I belong, like Band in highschool, but more widespread, and dare I say, more comfortable.
Sure, I griped. I hated the way certain issues were handled by the administration...but what would a student be if he didn't continually push forward and remain stubborn until he achieved the best possible experience he could. I started the year with the worst possible experience. Partly me, partly the atmosphere, partly the school. And as Jan. rolled around, and Firenze came... It just slowly started to gel. Then the next semester was a perpetual hill where my pride in the school and my engagement in it and my comfort in it grew to the point where I would never have wanted to attend anywhere else. And never would give anything to be in Tisch, but would only want to be part of my CAS/Tisch hybrid. The best of both worlds without the real horrors (ie TWO SEMESTERS OF WRITING THE ESSAY!!!--THE HUMANITY!!!)
Now, if only the school had different colors...because come on, purple is not becoming the color of my key laynard.
Until then, I'll just keep hoping that my Columbia name will fade from my current lanyard, until it simply is just navy. That is generic, that works...but to me it will always represent my growing affinity for my university of mine.