
Apr 21, 2003 11:47

I'm in school now and I am wearing sexy pants that I got last night. My uncle gave me these sexy tight pants with straps. They are from 1982 when he went to London for a band he was in. However, his band never played so he kept the pants... subsequently I acquired them. Oh man tehy are so hot they make me hard hehe. Anyway I was in history class and my teacher/nemesis Mr. Farabaugh told me about the cold war. I was scared shitless to learn about their nuclear policies and how easily humans can destroy the world. My eyes were tearing, I'm such a dork! But seriously that is really terrifying how, "the men of the hour can kill half the world in war, make them slaves to a super-power and let them die poor" (ani difranco). So when I sobered up from that fiasco I went to my comparitive religions class where we are reading 'The Tao of Pooh', which is a comparative analysis of Toaism and the Whinnie the Pooh series. One passage really struck me...
The Superior Animal
"If people were superior to animals, they'd take better care of teh world." - Pooh. Down through the centuries, man has developed a mind that separates him from the world of reality, the world of natural laws. This mind wears itself out and ends up weak and sloppy. Such a mind, even if of high intelligence, is inefficient.
I think that that is very true. WE concern ourselves with rules we make ourselves and impose upon our own society and ignore the natural laws of how nature maintains life. WE destroy the environment callously and expect our natural resources to be infinite when in reality we are destroying what naturally would be a sustainable world. Way to go Humans.. why don't we just go and fuck things up some more?...
Enough ranting I'm out!
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