Dec 20, 2006 14:21
everything in my life right now fucking sucks so much bullshit, im losing friends left and right, weather it be people who just dont care, people who think that other things are important or a mixture of both and i just dont get it. im so fuckign depressed right now this shit is rediculous, its ever more rediculous that i have to write about it in livejournal but you know what i dont give a fuck becuase i have no one to talk to. im so ashamed of myself because it seems like all the decisions i have mad in life must have all been the wrong ones because look at where it got me. here with nothing and no one. i have no one to share anything with, like i cant even like tell people about something funny i saw. goddamnit ive never hated anything so much in my life, im so broken over everything that is happening. i keep having like random ass breakdowns and shit and im pretty sure i had a anxiety attack the other day. what is wrong with you people, ive done so much for everyone and all i want back is a little companionship. jesus christ help me out.
and on top of everything people are dying. fuck this place.