I spent the last 2 hours getting this set up... SO TOTALLY NOT USED TO THE CODING, where's good old HTML? Then there's also the fact that i'm not supposed to be doing this during office hours LAWL
- I need privacy AGAIN, dA worked nicely for awhile til 'certain' people discovered it. 'Certain' people who have difficulties keeping their pieholes shut >_>
- I could use someplace to flood pix with, C.com wasn't what i had in mind... Privacy issues AGAIN.
- thisshallalsoserveasabirthdaypresent*grins*
Upcoming cos
Type: re-cos
Character: Cho Hakkai
Series: Saiyuki RELOAD
Progress: 95%
Comments: Finally! After 3 years on the waiting list, he gets a 2nd chance! You read correct, 3 friggin' years. WHY!?
- I was looking for the perfect green contacts for him.
- I gotten myself involved in agreeing to do group cos instead of solo since 2004. Nobody does Saiyuki over here D:
- I kept procastinating over re-making his top coz my old one became way too loose for me...
Progress report! (things to do)
- cutting my hair.
I've unknowingly kept Hakkai's parting style (right fringe covering eye) for the past *counts* 4 years. It began with Tenpou Gensui back in 2003. NOW, it's permanently my trademark hair. I gotta chop off the sides and further layer the top. Though the hairdresser took off too much of my fringe... NEED HAIR WAX
- modifying the top
It's not much, purely stitching 4 more snap studs on top of the 8 that's already on it... D8
- finding and making the monacle
- debating on whether i wanna do his demon form
RELOAD 7 finally revealed his full demon form, would i wanna have fern veins running horizontally across my face, claws, demon ears and emerald green cat's eye? I think the last point says it all.