About the President

May 19, 2010 12:57

I've been of voting age for 28 years, or 7 Presidential terms. I was rather aware of the political situation for maybe 8 years before that. So lets say 9 terms.

I don't know what the hell these guys have done. This is to say I've never felt any of it.

People go on and on about the President all the time. Or some other politician. But how often do you actually notice some change?

You know where I notice government? In road conditions/road work. Yes, I went to public school, but that is the case for most and has been for some time. Its second on the list.

This isn't to say that things haven't changed. I'm sure things have. There is information abounding that things have indeed changed. I just can't tell you how much of that impacted me.

And neither does this keep me from having an opinion on how that man is doing. They've all more or less done things which I read about which cause me concern, mostly with having troops overseas in some capacity, but they've all done that one and rarely has it turned out not to be costly in some way or another.

Largely here the feeling is this. The President doesn't do anything. Congress hardly does anything. The major points of law are covered. And so people railing about the President or some politician? Its like the noise a balloon makes when you pinch the inlet. Sound as a relief valve.
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