Hello everyone,
I'm sorry I haven't been commenting much but my mind has been a maze as of late!
Thankfully, my brother and my parents are meeting with a neurosurgeon tomorrow morning to schedule for surgery- since we were told that it was urgent that this operation will take place very soon- so I hope everything will be fixed soon.
It may even be the case that this surgery isn't as complicated or dangerous as it sounds!
That would make me very very happy!!
Anyways, I have been watching a lot of dvds with my brother, keeping him company as he is stuck in bed! :)
I'm not complaining. I like hiscompany, I just wish it was under happier circumstances!
Anyways, I put up a new layout from
mercscilla. Header/matching icon by
In case you were wondering the woman in the pics is Kathleen Robertson as Azkadellia from Tin Man! <33
I hope everyone likes. I probably have to work with the colors a little more. But I wanted something dark to match my mood, so...yeah!!
Let me know what you think:
force-oblique force-oblique force-oblique Take care all