Title: The Prison Within - Chapter 5
force-obliqueRating: G, possibly AU
Table/Prompt: Table #7,"helpless"
Disclaimer: I dont own anything! :P
Characters/Pairings: Adam/Elle - mention of other characters ,Adam's POV
Word Count:
Summary: Adam's reflection on his years of imprisonment and how Elle changed that.
Author's Notes:I wrote it in the middle
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Comments 15
You had me right there, so beautifully described it almost made me cry...
I needed her more than she needed me. Even though she was a little girl, she was more of my protector, my salvation and my sanity than I was for her.
Aw, did I mention how much I LOVE Adam in your stories? He's so awesome!!
I'm so glad I finally managed to read this, because this story really has me hooked!! Never stop writing chica!!
I try to be as "romantic-sounding" as possible!
I want there to be romantic undertones, because yay, I support the pairing! lol
Aww! THanks so much!I know in the show Adam is not a "good" character, but I believe people are naturally good so I want to look into the reasons he got so bitter! :D
Squeeeeeeeeeeeeee!THank you for your nice words!
P.S.: And you make sure you update your stories soon!
You should definately play with him! *nods*
I would love to play with him more and be more than happy to read whatever you come up with! ;)
You yet again beautifully captured Adam's voice. I love this story, it is without a doubt, amazing. The thought that goes into each chapter shines through with every sentence.
Yet again, you have left me craving more!! And I've got to say baited breath shall be held until the next chapter...which I can not wait for!!!
Really? *blushes*
Thank you, I try to make each chapter meaningful and not just something to get on with the story, that is why it is taking me so long! lol
Thank you, I will try to have it up soon! :)
Btw, I am also preparing a fanmix on the pairing and kind of related to the story! Heeh!=P
I really think your description of Bob was very accurate:he threatened in that calm tone of his, which sometimes was even more infuriating than the words he actually used.
Andas always there were some snetences and phrases that leave a lasting impression on me!
Everything was in order inside my new room.
Nothing was broken or out of place but me.
My heart sank as I saw tears escape her eyes and it was my time now to stand before the mirror, the barrier separating us, placing my hands against it, as if my touch could shatter it or melt it they way she would do it and let me cross over to her.
Loved this paragraph:And I wondered when she would think that he had just pushed her too far.
They say that after having tasted it once, killing takes over you and becomes easier and easier.
Less complicated.
You need fewer and fewer reasons to do it.
It doesn’t matter if you are really provoked or challenged.
I annot wait for the next part
I thought nobody was going to notice the Bob description. I really find the way he speaks irritating! lol
Aww thanks, i liked this line too! ADam is out of place. No soul should be imprisoned.
Thank so much!!!
Nice lines about Adam!
Is that canon or did you add that?
So I'm not sure! lol
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