Boring Days Make Kelly Cook....

Mar 19, 2008 23:25

Yeah, like the title says.....

I was so bored today!

[1]I didn't go to work because there was another strike in public transportation... *rolls eyes* Surprise - surprise!!! *insert sarcasm by the dozen here*
There was no way I could find a taxi and get to work, because it is a 1,30 hour commuting as it is!! Imagine with the traffic jam and everything!! No way!!!
And I can't pay like 40 euros to get a cab!!

[2] At least, i got to watch last weeks' Lost Episode and all I can say is "J- Yeon...Snif!!! :( =[
If you have seen the epi, you probably get me, so I wont spoil it for the other ones!

[3] Good Charlotte is coming to Greece on May 5th and although I am not like a huge fan of theirs, it still is a "happening" the mere fact that they are coming to sunny, little Greece! =]
I hope I can convince a friend to come with me!

[4] My mom needed my help cooking so I helped her...
I cooked yay me!
I fried fish - I hate the smell of them but anyways...- I helped her make a mushroom pie - which turned out very yummie I am feeling pretty good about myself! lol

[5] My sweetie, ghost-goodthing prompted me to write a Chuck/Blair fic out of Ray LaMontagne lyrics.... Mind you, I have never listened to the dude's music, but the lyrics were awesome, so a fic will be up soon!!

[6] Is there really going to be a strike on LiveJournal on Friday? We have strikes in Greece these days, we even got a power cut due to it, so I am not pleased...
But, hey if it's for a reason, we might as well all do it?


Take care all
ETA: It seems you are all in favor of Audiofics? Click

music, fic, me loves my flist, concerts, flist, strike

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