into the d a r k » a MULDER&SCULLY fanmix

Jan 05, 2012 21:48

+ This mix (#2) was made for hbics for The X-Files Secret Santa exchange!
I am so very sorry for the wait, but I hope you enjoy it!

N O T E N O U G H † o u r  l a d y  p e a c e

There’s nothing you can say
Nothing you can do, nothing in between
You know the truth
Nothing left to face, nothing left to lose
Nothing takes your place

S P O O K Y † i m o g e n  h e a p

First I say no
I've got some plans for tonight
And then I stop and say all right
Love is kind of crazy
With a spooky little boy like you

D O N ' T  P A N I C† c o l d p l a y

Bones, sinking like stones
All that we fought for
Homes, places we've grown
All of us are done for
And we live in a beautiful world

T H I S  I S  W A R † 3 0  s e c o n d s  t o  m a r s

It's the moment of truth, and the moment to lie
The moment to live and the moment to die
The moment to fight, the moment to fight
To fight, to fight, to fight!

H I D E  A N D  S E E K† i m o g e n  h e a p

where are we?
what the heck is going on?
the dust has only just begun to form
crop circles in the carpet
sinking feeling

S I L V E R  L I N I N G † h u r t s

And I won't let you drown when the water's pulling you in
I'll keep fighting, I'll keep fighting
The rain's going to follow you wherever you go.
The clouds go black and the thunder rolls
And I see lightning, I see lightning

I ' M  I N  H E R E† s i a

I'm crying out, I'm breaking down
I am fearing it all
Stuck inside these walls
Tell me there is hope for me 
Is anybody out there listening?

I ' D  C O M E  F O R  Y O U † n i c k e l b a c k

No matter what gets in my way
As long as there's still life in me
No matter what
remember you know I'll always come for you
I'd crawl across this world for you

S E T  T H E  F I R E  T O  T H E  T H I R D  B A R† s n o w  p a t r o l

I find the map and draw a straight line
Over rivers, farms, and state lines
The distance from 'A' to where you'd be
It's only finger-lengths that I see
I touch the place where I'd find your face
My fingers in creases of distant dark places

W I R E S † a t h l e t e

Down corridors through automatic doors
Got to get to you, got to see this through
I see hope is here, in a plastic box
I've seen christmas lights reflect in your eyes

S I N K  O R  S W I M† t y r o n e  w e l l s

Take a deep breath
No more time left
This is what I thought I wanted
Why am I so afraid?

T H E  W E I G H T  O F  U S † s a n d e r s  b o h l k e

There are theives who rob us blind
And kings who kill us fine
But steady
The rights and the wrongs invade us
As innocent song
I'm not ready, I'm not ready
For the weight of us, for the weight of us, for the weight of all of us

P A R A D I S E † c o l d p l a y

So lying underneath those stormy skies
She said oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
I know the sun must set to rise

W I S H  Y O U  W E R E  H E R E † p i n k  f l o y d

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl year after year
Running over the same old ground
Have we found the same old fears?
Wish you were here

I  W I L L  F O L L O W  Y O U  I N T O  T H E  D A R K † g a v i n  m i k h a i l

If Heaven and Hell decide that they both are satisfied
Illuminate the NOs on their vacancy signs
If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark

• So, basically when I decided that I was going to make a Mulder/Scully fanmix, I knew it was going to be more about their partnership and their work on the X-Files, opposed to their romantic relationship (AS MUCH AS I LOVE MY MSR). The only song that probably argues that point is the seconds track, with Imogen Heap's "Spooky", but can you blame me? How entirely perfect is this song? The lyrics I wrote about were seriously so perfect for How The Ghosts Stole Christmas. I'm sure you can't blame me!  And then there's Coldplay's "Paradise", where you could be wondering how it fits Mulder/Scully, and I'm not sure it does! But the atmosphere of the song, with the atmosphere with the world Mulder and Scully are in just seemed to fit so well to me. The lyrics might not even fit, but to me, at the end of the day, I think they do. There's nothing Mulder and Scully, Scully in particular, would love more than to be in Paradise. I.E.: the end of I Want To Believe. And you might wonder about Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here", that was really just for me. Being that I love Pink Floyd and years ago, I think a year after IWTB, a friend on youtube made a IWTB fanvideo to the song, and it really showcased how Mulder missed the partnership between he and Scully, it's really just perfect during that time. Hm.. and I don't think any other songs need explanation as to why I choose them. Songs like Not Enough, This Is War, Silver Lining, and Sink or Swim fit their fight against the Syndicate and those who are doing everything in their power to hide the truth and hurt Mulder and Scully. Where songs like Don't Panic and Hide and Seek really fit the atmosphere of the world they are, and how unique and beautiful it really is. Then there are songs that are so perfect for the strong partnership and friendship Mulder and Scully share, like I'm In Here, I'd Come For You, Set the Fire to the Third Bar, Wires, The Weight of Us, and I Will Follow You into the Dark - whether it be the hardships they faced, trying to save the other, just them against the entire world, each song fit them perfectly and made the quote "You're the only one I trust" that much more relevant.


couple: mulder/scully, fanmix: mulder/scully, type: fanmix, tv: the x-files

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