(no subject)

Jun 25, 2005 02:05

The sky rumbles darkly overheard, a sea of malevolence churning upon itself. Infinity College, centered beneath the unnatural stormy sky, is covered from top to bottom with overgrowth - weeds and brambles, that have apparently appeared within the last few hours. That high-rise stands at the center of the Delta - a triangular area with three equally-distanced high-rises of the same height as Infinity College surrounding it at the points.

"There's an incredible energy filling the place. It's making the air, the plants, the buildings... everything... go crazy," Sailor Mars rears back to get a good look at the sky. Her intuitive powers give her the ability to see what normal perception will not. "The power is making a dome over Infinity Bank," she states.

Sailor Mercury's technology gives her the ability to see beyond human sight, in a different way. She flicks her visor down to observe the disturbance. "Right," she gasps. "... Almost like the symbol of Omega..."

"Let's go!" Sailor Jupiter calls, impatient for observations. The five Inner Soldiers head straight into the building.


"Combine your powers!!"

Seven Sailor Senshi, previously separated, now unite to pour energy into Sailor Moon -- into their princess, their future queen.

It transforms her into a Super Warrior: Super Sailor Moon - her powers much greater than before.

"Super Sailor Moon!! Above us, in the principal's office!"

She leads the four Inner Scouts and the three Outer Scouts in a combined attack on the Magnus, Kaolinite. Kaolinite's magic had deceived all of them from where she observed in the principal's office, located on the very top floor, while Professor Tomoe and Mistress Nine worked towards the Master's goals on the very last level of the building.

HOW COULD THEY!?! Insolent fools!!!

No one will get in the way of my plans!!

Her lips curled in rage, Kaolinite bellows, "YOU'VE BROKEN MY STRONGEST SPELL, INSIGNIFICANT SAILOR IMPURITIES. I, MAGNUS KAORI NIGHT, WILL STOP YOU HERE!" Her flesh rips at the back, with her dress.

A towering demon springs fully formed from her skin, tendrils flying, muscles popping, and ready to destroy them all.

Super Sailor Moon activates her Rod. "Rainbow Moon Heartache!!!"

The Daimon formerly known as Kaori Night dissolves into nothingness in as much time as she took to become Daimon. With a curdling scream, she is dead.

Super Sailor Moon pulls the Moon Rod to her in check. I'll never lose hope!!

"We have to find Hotaru!!" She commands. They all leave the office, in a clatter.

Hotaru watches. She has nothing to say.

What is there to say, in any case? Kaori Nig-- Kaolinite was always around after her mother died. She was the closest thing she had to a mother as she grew up. Her Papa wanted it that way. Despite her best efforts, Hotaru could never accept her, though.

She isn't happy to see Kaolinite die, but...

Neither is she sad...

No one else is present in school building at this time - only monsters formed by magic, and those are defeated now, at least in the upper levels.

With no other clue to guide them, the Soldiers split up. The Inners will search each floor one by one, and the Outers, plus Super Sailor Moon, will head to the basement laboratories in an elevator.


So, you made it to our fortress and defeated Magnus Kaolinite?

Sailor Moon!!

The time is now! We must claim this Delta, running with this powerful energy, as our new holy ground!

Mistress Nine clenches the pendant hard in her fist.

As long as we have this Silver Imperium Crystal... there is nothing for us to fear!


*ding!*.... *ding!*.... *ding!*....

"Heh... heh... heh.... So, they've gotten on the elevator to execution. Cute little darlings with the blessings of the planets," Professor Tomoe smirks crazily. He mixes some concoctions together, taking and replacing beakers and test tubes from racks. Other glass tubes bubble with various repulsive fluids.

"The time is now! The time for my dream of so many years to take the stage!!..."

He rushes to the other side of the laboratory with last minute mixtures and preparations. His white lab coat flaps behind him at every sudden move. "My life's work -- the Super Being!!" he continues out loud to a seemingly empty room.

"The community will regret my expulsion. I am so close to creating the perfect being... a hundred TIMES the strength and intelligence of average humans, and a lifespan TEN TIMES LONGER!" A cackle escapes his lips in his exuberance. "They will want it, and they will regret sending me away, when I have shown the world my work."

He places the final instruments in place... awaiting the Sailor Scouts. He continues to murmur to himself. "My choosing this Omega Zone for my experiments, and that accident... all chances given to me by heaven...

"After that accident," He glances at the lighted yellow floor indicator above the elevator doors. *41.. 40.. 39..* He paces back and forth, impatient. "When I was remaking Hotaru's body --"

There was the boom of lightning striking the building. Kaori yelled to me in warning... but before we could escape, she was taken over... her eyes shining with that eerie yellow light.

The entities were large... gaseous... sentient, and powerful... "In the middle of that great experiment to give my Super Being life, they landed, from another dimension, bringing their eggs to be given human-like bodies.

"The gods chose me...

"I didn't complete Hotaru's remaking... But instead... I gained the chance to direct the Vessel transformation of the eggs. I implanted the Mistress Nine egg in Hotaru myself -- I could have the closest watch over her at all times...

"And as I worked on her, I was able to complete several beautiful beings...

"But, it's not enough! I must make more perfect beings like myself!! I AM a Super Being, as the perfect union of human and alien!!! I am the creator of a new species!! I am a GOD!!!"

..... "So... that's it."

Hotaru watches everything from a space beyond reality's hold. "...Papa..."

*B7... *PING**

Elevator doors creak open. "Welcome to my laboratory." Professor Tomoe greets them all with a hand thrust deep into a pocket, his other adjusting his strange glasses. "We've been waiting for you, hehehe... My Daimons are ready for dinner."


Golden glow. Mamoru holds tightly onto ChibiUsa's grey hand.

He stares straight ahead, in concentration this whole time.

Sailor Moon... Find the enemy... Save ChibiUsa... I know you can do it....

They lie on the bed together, Mamoru holding hope against hope.

ChibiUsa's body flashes for a split second, blindingly, with clear pink light.

Mamoru sits up, stock straight and attentive, "ChibiUsa!?!"


The pendant falls empty to the marble floor, and Mistress Nine licks her lips. Then she doubles over.

But it is not pain she is experiencing, it's sheer raw power.

Ohhh!! I can feel the power welling up from deep inside of me!!

As soon as I swallowed it, it filled my body to overflowing. Is this the power of the Silver Imperium Crystal!?!


"Chronos Typhoon!!" The Garnet orb blasts a Daimon to oblivion.

"Submarine Reflection!!" Sailor Neptune's Mirror treats the other in kind with aquamarine light.

Professor Tomoe laughs loudly, "I'm not done yet! I can make as many Daimon as I want!!" And as if to illustrate the Professor's point, three more come rushing from the back tubes.

Sailor Moon yells at him, frustrated, "Stop! We don't want to fight with you!! Where's Hotaru?!?"

Professor Tomoe stops a moment, taken aback. "Hotaru? My former daughter?"

He adjusts his glasses again, "Right now she would be in the Holy Shrine offering that light of the force that awakened her... the power of the Silver Imperium Crystal... to our Master Pharaoh 90."

Master Pharaoh 90?!? Sailor Moon is panicked for just long enough to distract her.




"Master Pharaoh 90!! This is the Power I stole for you! I will bring it to you!!"

She fades from her chambers, and into the vast cavern where Pharaoh 90 will be awakened, as planned.


Their Taioron Crystal cracks in half and tumbles under stress of the overwhelming power before it. Pharaoh 90 extends his hand to Mistress 9, caring not about their home planet's crystal.



The cavern rumbles mightily, as if it, too, is impatient for the transformation at hand. Mistress Nine shines and shimmers with radiant light, from within her very being.



The floor below and walls around them rumble threateningly. Professor Tomoe cackles shrilly, "Our Master's quickening is at hand!!!"

Sailor Neptune turns to run towards the staircase. "It's below us!"

"Too bad," Professor Tomoe's jacket flies open, and he sheds his clothes, "this is where you die!!"

His entire body reshapes and reforms, building in mass. His features turn something that is other-than-human. Then with a final *shrip!* he is more than three times his original height and mass. There is a solid black star in the middle of what was once his forehead, and he leers down at them. "I AM GELMAIDO!!"

"Daimon!!" The Senshi yell in near unison at their shock.




ChibiUsa's eyes jerk open, as if jolted awake from the slumber; her gaze unseeing.

Her body begins to convulse heavily.

"ChibiUsa!!??" Mamoru tries to hold her down. Sailor Moon, hurry!


Just a few moments ago he was Hotaru's father...!

"Super Sailor Moon!!" Uranus calls, urging Usagi not to be distracted by what may have been just prior.

And she does, indeed, snap to attention. She presents the Moon Rod to attack him, "Rainbow Moon Heartache!!!"

The blast hits Gelmaido full on, disintegrating him on the spot as he gurgles his last yells of defiance and pride.


Bits and pieces of Gelmaido fall to the floor. The Scouts hesitate, recovering their wind.

"... Papa...

"...After Mama died, my Papa... who was so kind... who saved me...

...was not my Papa anymore."

A ghostly figure apparates behind Super Sailor Moon, whispering a solemn farewell,

"...Goodbye, Papa."

then is gone again. Sailor Moon feels chills, and hears a small voice, and turns quickly. "Who's there?!"

"Super Sailor Moon??"

Sailor Moon gazes unbelievingly into the devastation behind her: no sign of life. I could have sworn... someone was there...


"More power!!!" Mistress Nine laughs deliriously. "Release more energy!!"

Her body heaves with the sheer might of the force being let out inside of her.


ChibiUsa's body convulses again, harder.

ChibiUsa drifts through a void that knows no end.

"Where am I?" She feels like crying, but no tears are falling down her cheeks.

"It's so dark and scary!! What am I doing here?..."


The Infinity College building is quaking furiously. Sailor Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus stop in their search on the upper floors, alarmed.

"Something is coming up from below...??"

A huge force rips through the floor and continues skywards, pummeling the Scouts in its path.

Below, Super Sailor Moon collapses, as her transformation reverts itself to its original form; she is just Sailor Moon again.

Pluto shields her and the other two from the blast that came hurtling past them from the lower level with the magic of her Garnet Ball. The four of them fly upwards, contained in garnet-colored light.

"The connection between our hearts was cut!?" Sailor Moon shivers in fear. "Guys, has something happened to you??"

They reach the top of the building. They find the sky boiling, ablaze with tones of chrome and dark purple, and Mistress Nine herself, hovering above the college with her arms raised triumphantly.

Sailor Moon gasps, "That's... Hotaru!..."

Meanwhile, Pluto is gaping at the sky, horrified, and knowing. "That's a flux in the space-time continuum!!" It is completely against nature in the very essence of its existence, and something that Sailor Pluto cannot control alone.

Mistress Nine's flesh tears and separates at the back; she begins the final stage of her Daimon transformation.


Suddenly, Mistress Nine screams, and clasps at her head.

"I have to hold it back...! I can't let them increase their power anymore! I can't let them release all this energy!!"

Hotaru feels a force within her; a light of some sort, compelling her to use it, urgently.

"The power of the Silver Imperium Crystal," she extends hands and clinches her eyes shut, "I won't let you use it so easily!"

And then she releases the light inside, to the furthest that she is able.

[Taken directly in parts or altered from "Sailor Moon: Volume 9." Copyright Naoko Takeuchi, Mixx Entertainment, Inc., and Kodansha, Ltd. All rights reserved, no profit is made from this reproduction.]

nine arc

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