(no subject)

Mar 10, 2005 01:57

The time has come.

Gather the three talismans that guide the light.

Awaken the self within myself.

Let the destruction begin.

The three lights gather, in her water mirror. The image is of something from far away... the mirror serves as her sight beyond this cave. Three figures gathered, holding lights in their hands...

She watches, patiently waiting on one bare knee beside her pool. In one hand she clutches her Witches' staff, her source of power.

Show me where they are... the three talismans...

They're running out of time. The Sailor Senshi have already defeated her fourth most powerful girl - Tellu, a Level 404 Witch, who could control plants to make them absorb the humans' Hoste. The Senshi interfered again, of course, and Tellu's careful work and planning was to no avail.

On its own, her mirror ripples and splashes, and the image is gone.

Kaolinite scowls.

We need to find the three talismans! We must not let them fall into the hands of our enemies!


Kaolinite gasps, the irritation still present on her features, and stands quickly. The telepathic call is answered likewise, *Yes, Professor.*

*I've been calling you for some time.*

With one last look of frustration at her scrying pool, Kaolinite phases out of sight in the cave, and into sight before Professor Tomoe. Her Witches' staff and long dress are gone; she is in a lab coat and red high heels now.

Professor Tomoe turns to her in the middle of an experiment, staring coldly and holding a beaker containing embryotic fluid for the next creation.

Kaolinite turns her eyes downwards, in deference, "...I'm sorry, Professor. I was lost in thought."

"The removal of the Sailor Senshi is all you need to think about. It seems that the failures of you and your underlings are mounting quickly."

Kaolinite takes a sharp intake of breath, but keeps her gaze downwards.

"I have my research to attend to," Professor Tomoe continues. "I am not consumed with what goes on outside this lab." He moves to leave the room and head to the incubation chambers, calling back as he departs, "The waste of warriors is a waste of eggs, Kaori. Be careful not to incite the Master's wrath..."

The door shuts behind him, and Kaolinite throws a rack of test tubes to the floor, shattering them all.

He doesn't understand what I've gone through... !!


A teenaged-looking girl phases into sight from thin air, wearing a lab coat. "You must make up for the rest of the Witches 5's disappointments. Destroy the Sailor Senshi. Find the light that leads to destruction."

Kaolinite walks over to the girl and hands her an amulet. It is a long chain necklace of linked metal with a quartz-like crystal attached to the end. The body of the crystal is almond-shaped and blades of crystal, like perpendicularly attached flower-petals, circle its base.

"Oh," Kaolinite adds, "and before you go, reenter the data into the College computer.

"Two students escaped from the campus; they were excellent Vessel subjects. There is no way anyone could escape from Infinity College... they are certainly dangerous to us.

They must be found, as well. Find and eliminate anyone who disobeys the will of the Master!"

[Some parts are taken directly/taken and altered from "Sailor Moon: Volume 9," copyright Naoko Takeuchi and Mixx Entertaiment, Inc. All rights reserved, no profit is being made off of this reproduction]
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